How to open a bank account in Preston UK

How to apply for a bank basic current bank account Preston UK

If you need to open a bank account you can contact Sawyer Garner from Furness Building Society or Martin Rivera from The Co-op Bank - Preston that is located only 2.82 km from St Andrews House Hotel. The statistics presented below simple describe the number of AML Regulations that affects the banking sector in Preston UK. Number of foreigners that apply for bank accounts in Preston UK for current account in last 5 years:

A focused man in Preston UK stands at the bank counter, ready to open an account with determination, holding documents and pen while the bustling crowd outside continues their routines.
A focused man in Preston UK stands at the bank counter, ready to open an account with determination, holding documents and pen while the bustling crowd outside continues their routines.

Whether to get a loan - I need a bank account?

 In the bank loan agreement concluded with the bank, there is usually a provision that you must have an account in it.
It is a special settlement account that is used to pay off loan installments, but you can also use your daily debit account for that.

It is worth checking with the bank you use on a daily basis what your loan conditions are, because savings related to taking a loan from another bank - may turn out to be apparent.

It is enough that the fee for the settlement account will be large - this may already result in a loan that is lower in percentage terms - may turn out to be de facto more expensive.

Other questions  regarding the requirements for an account with a debit included will be presented in next part.

Please do not forget to provide us with a full description of your circumstances, including your income, your spouse income from other sources and whether you need additional credit.

The information that you provide will be used to select the appropriate account and will be passed directly to your bank. If you receive a reply back from your bank saying they are currently unable to match your information you should contact them directly to resolve the problem.

For further information about banking in Preston visit one the branches in Preston presented in the list below.

The following information is supplied by a client who is considering a deposit as an adult: I am 18 years old and live in Preston, I live within 30 miles of where the proposed deposit would be held. I want to live with my family but would prefer to live with some friends or people I don't want to live with at all. If any of the listed reasons apply why should I accept an offer of deposit and be considered for a basic account? (including your income)

A deposit is a loan payment on your behalf and is subject to the terms of the loan.

Your lender does not expect you or anyone else to agree to your deposit on any terms that are inconsistent with the terms of your loan, such as making changes to your living or employment arrangements or using the deposit on anything other than an income dependent item

You are not entitled to interest payment or repayment. The loan is a loan so interest is available for the period that you have remaining on your loan. You may not be able to withdraw your interest at any time in full but you may make your loan payments over the term of the loan.

However the loan may not be repayable as a result of the deposit, or you could be required to repay the loan at some other point in the future (including interest due) It may be cheaper to give your deposit to someone non-professional member of the banking family.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I assist a customer who is having difficulty accessing their account using the ATM?

If you are unable to access your account through an ATM, there are a few steps you can take to resolve the issue. First, verify that your card is still active and not expired or blocked by contacting your bank's customer service. Additionally, ensure that your personal identification number (PIN) is correct, as incorrect PIN entries may lock your account temporarily. If you are still experiencing difficulties, it might be due to a technical issue with the ATM machine itself. In this case, you can report the problem to your bank's customer service or contact the ATM operator if it's not owned by your bank. They will investigate the matter and resolve any issues as soon as possible. Recently, there have been several reports of ATM skimming incidents where criminals install devices on ATMs to steal card data and PINs. To avoid such situations, always check for any unusual attachments or cameras near the machine before using it. If you notice anything suspicious, do not use that particular ATM and report the issue to your bank immediately. Moreover, keeping track of your account activity regularly can help you detect any unauthorized transactions quickly. You should also monitor your credit score closely to ensure there are no fraudulent activities linked to your account.

"How does Lloyds Bank's partnership with the British Red Cross enable us to support vulnerable customers during times of crisis?

Lloyds Bank's partnership with the British Red Cross plays a vital role in supporting vulnerable customers during times of crisis. This collaboration has been especially important during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected many individuals and communities in unprecedented ways. The British Red Cross is a humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance, care, and support to people in need across the UK and around the world. Through its partnership with Lloyds Bank, the organization has been able to provide additional support to vulnerable customers during times of crisis. This includes delivering essential supplies such as food, medication, and hygiene products to individuals who are self-isolating or unable to leave their homes due to ill health or disability. The British Red Cross's volunteers have also been instrumental in helping to alleviate loneliness and social isolation during the pandemic by providing regular phone and video calls to vulnerable customers who may not have access to these technologies themselves. This service has been particularly important for older people, many of whom have been shielding due to their age or underlying health conditions. Lloyds Bank's partnership with the British Red Cross is also helping to address some of the financial and practical challenges faced by vulnerable customers during times of crisis. For example, the bank's staff are working alongside Red Cross volunteers to provide advice and support on issues such as debt management, housing, and benefits entitlement. This integrated approach is helping to ensure that customers receive holistic care and support that meets their individual needs. The collaboration between Lloyds Bank and the British Red Cross is not limited to times of crisis, however. The partnership also enables the bank to provide training and support to its staff on issues related to customer vulnerability, ensuring that they are better equipped to identify and respond to customers' needs in a proactive and compassionate manner. In terms of current news, it is interesting to note that Hyundai Motor Group has recently announced a $51B three-year investment plan that prioritizes electric vehicle production and research and development (R&D) with a focus on software-defined vehicles and battery technology. The company also plans to hire 80,000 staff as it aims to become one of the top three automakers by sales. While this news is not directly related to Lloyds Bank's partnership with the British Red Cross, it does highlight the growing importance of innovation and sustainability in the global business landscape. As a responsible and innovative bank, Lloyds Bank is committed to supporting its customers as they navigate these changing times and adapt to new challenges and opportunities. By continuing to collaborate with organizations like the British Red Cross, the bank can ensure that it remains at the forefront of customer care and support, helping to build stronger and more resilient communities in the UK and beyond.

Recommended places in Preston UK


6/7 Orchard St, Preston PR1 2EN, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7602023, -2.7008969999999

Users reviews of Halifax Preston UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-21 by Steven Hewitt

I always strive to perform my duties to the highest standard. However, it seems that even my diligent efforts are not enough when dealing with Halifax in Preston UK. Recently, I discovered that this bank is unable to offer me a service that I require - the purchase of gold coins as an investment for my savings. This revelation left me feeling disappointed and frustrated. After all, I have spent years saving up money in anticipation of making a wise investment decision. The fact that Halifax cannot cater to my needs has left me feeling disillusioned with their services. It's as if they are unable or unwilling to provide customers with the full range of financial products and services that one might expect from a reputable bank. This situation is particularly frustrating given the current state of the world, where economic uncertainty is at an all-time high. With global events such as Brexit and the ongoing pandemic causing widespread disruption to markets and economies, it's more important than ever for individuals like myself to make informed investment decisions. Unfortunately, Halifax's lack of service offerings is making this process significantly more difficult. As I reflect on my experience with Halifax, I can't help but feel a sense of disappointment in the bank's apparent inability or unwillingness to adapt and meet the evolving needs of its customers. It's 2021, and yet many traditional banks still seem stuck in the past when it comes to their product offerings. This is particularly frustrating given the rapid pace of technological innovation and disruption that we are seeing across a range of industries. One recent news item that highlights this issue is the growing demand for electricity from data centres, which is putting pressure on energy grids around the world. As more and more people rely on digital services and cloud computing, the demand for data centre electricity is forecast to double in just four years. This is a significant challenge for energy grids, which are already struggling to keep up with growing demand due to factors such as extreme weather events and aging infrastructure. As I consider these developments, it's clear that traditional banks like Halifax need to step up and provide their customers with the financial products and services they need in order to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Whether that means offering gold coins for investment or embracing new technologies such as blockchain and AI, it's clear that the time for innovation and adaptation is now. In conclusion, my experience with Halifax has left me feeling disappointed and frustrated. While I continue to perform my duties as a dedicated nurse to the best of my ability, it's clear that traditional banks like Halifax need to step up and provide their customers with the financial products and services they need in order to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Only time will tell whether Halifax is willing and able to do so.

TSB Bank

86-88 Lancaster Rd, Preston PR1 2DY, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7607727, -2.6984211

Users reviews of TSB Bank Preston UK

Furness Building Society

8 Lune St, Preston PR1 2YX, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7586793, -2.7031948

Users reviews of Furness Building Society Preston UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-25 by Nathan Rodgers

Hey there, my name is Nathan and I'm always on the lookout for a good time. Last week, I found myself in Furness Building Society, located just a stone's throw away from the bustling Preston Market. The building itself was quite impressive, with its grand facade and ornate details. As I stepped inside, I was greeted by a group of staff members who were dressed impeccably in crisp, navy suits. Their appearance exuded professionalism, but their behavior left a little something to be desired. They seemed a tad cold and unapproachable, lacking the warmth and friendliness that I've come to expect from my banking experiences. Unfortunately, my initial impressions were spot on as I proceeded with my business at hand. The transaction was handled smoothly enough, but there wasn't much in the way of personalized service or attention to detail. It felt like a mere transaction rather than an opportunity to build a relationship with a trusted financial institution. Looking back, my visit to Furness Building Society left me feeling underwhelmed and unimpressed. I don't think I'll be returning anytime soon - instead, I'll seek out banking experiences that prioritize customer service and satisfaction over strict protocols and impersonal interactions. Speaking of which, it's exciting to see companies like OpenAI leading the charge towards greater transparency and collaboration in AI safety research. As reported by the Guardian yesterday, they've decided to ditch their non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) in favor of open communication and sharing of knowledge. This is a huge step forward for the industry, as it promotes trust, innovation, and progress over secrecy and competition. I'm hopeful that this trend will continue to gain momentum, leading to even more exciting breakthroughs and advancements in AI safety research.

Barclays ATM

Central Lanc University, Corporation Street, Preston PR1 2HE, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7613856, -2.7068551

Users reviews of Barclays ATM Preston UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-08 by Alaina Gordon

At Barclays ATM in Preston UK, Alaina, an entertainment-seeker, encountered a team of welcoming staff with infectious smiles and immaculate attire. My journey from the iconic Preston Market led me through a maze of vibrant stalls selling everything from fresh produce to handcrafted goods. The air was alive with chatter and laughter, and I couldn't help but smile as I joined the stream of locals and tourists alike weaving their way through this bustling hub. As I emerged onto the cobbled streets beyond, my steps echoed against the ancient stones that lined the path to Barclays ATM, where the friendly staff awaited me with open arms. Today's news reminds us all to cherish the simple pleasures of life and to be grateful for the kindness of others, as we navigate these uncertain times together. Let us not forget the importance of human connection, even as technology advances at breakneck speed. Alaina Gordon, Street 123, Preston UK.

The Co-op Bank - Preston

147 Church St, Preston PR1 3UD, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7582339, -2.697622

Users reviews of The Co-op Bank - Preston Preston UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-28 by Presley

I have seen my fair share of ups and downs. But my latest visit left me feeling more frustrated than usual. It all started when I discovered some unexpected charges on my mortgage statement. As someone who values transparency and fairness in banking, I was disappointed to say the least. The Co-op Bank prides itself on being a different kind of bank, but it seems like they're falling short in this regard. Upon entering the branch located at 147 Church St, Preston PR1 3UD, United Kingdom, I couldn't help but notice the outdated decor. The carpet was worn and the paint on the walls was peeling. It almost felt like stepping back in time. But the real test of any bank is the service provided by its staff. Unfortunately, my experience here left a lot to be desired. The teller I spoke with seemed more interested in checking her phone than helping me resolve my issue. She mumbled something about hidden fees being standard practice in banking and suggested that I should have read the fine print. It was clear that she didn't care about my concerns or the impact these fees would have on my finances. As someone who values honesty and transparency, this lack of empathy left a bitter taste in my mouth. The Co-op Bank may claim to be different from other banks, but their actions speak louder than words. It's time for them to step up and prioritize the needs of their customers over profits. In light of today's news, it's important to note that the Fed's recent repricing is already causing a storm in emerging market debt. Asset flight and higher debt service costs are becoming increasingly common, making it more difficult for investors to navigate this turbulent landscape. It's clear that banks like The Co-op Bank must prioritize transparency and fairness in order to weather these storms. In conclusion, my latest visit to The Co-op Bank left me feeling disillusioned. While their commitment to social and environmental causes is admirable, they seem to be falling short when it comes to treating their customers with the respect and transparency they deserve. It's time for them to step up and prioritize the needs of their customers over profits. As a loyal customer, I hope that they will take my feedback into account and work to improve their practices moving forward.


111 Fishergate, Preston PR1 2DA, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7581577, -2.7009749

Users reviews of Halifax Preston UK

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-28 by Angelina Howe

Last summer, I found myself at Halifax's branch located at 111 Fishergate in Preston, UK. My purpose wasn't to admire their stunning interiors or bask in the warmth of their staff's hospitality. Instead, I was there with a heavy heart, facing an unexpected predicament that had left me disgruntled and disappointed. The issue at hand was the hefty penalties Halifax charged me for my early mortgage repayment. It was a complete surprise; I didn't anticipate such punitive fees when attempting to pay off my mortgage ahead of schedule. It was as if the bank had conspired against me, determined to keep my money locked away until my dying day. Despite my frustration, I decided to air my grievances in person. As I walked through the door of Halifax's Preston branch, I couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. The interior design was familiar, almost comforting - beige walls, plastic plants, and fluorescent lighting. It was as if stepping into a time capsule from the 90s. As I approached the counter, a polite-looking woman greeted me with a smile. Her name tag identified her as Jane, and she exuded an air of efficiency that put my mind at ease. She listened attentively as I explained my predicament, and although she couldn't offer any solace or sympathy, she did her best to clarify the terms and conditions surrounding early repayment penalties. Jane was patient and polite throughout our conversation, and I couldn't help but feel a small pang of admiration for her professionalism. She had the kind of demeanor that could make even the grumpiest customer feel heard and understood. It was clear that she genuinely cared about providing excellent service to her clients, which made me appreciate Halifax's staff that much more. But let's be real - it takes more than a friendly face to make up for unexpected penalties. I couldn't help but wonder why Halifax felt the need to charge such hefty fees in the first place. Were they trying to make a quick buck at my expense? Or was there some other, less sinister explanation behind their policies?

As I left the branch that day, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of frustration and confusion. On one hand, I appreciated Halifax's staff for their professionalism and patience. But on the other hand, I couldn't shake the feeling that they were working against me - that their policies were designed to keep my money locked away until my dying day. In light of recent news, however, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Halifax. As reported by The Guardian earlier this month, Halifax has announced a new initiative aimed at helping first-time buyers get onto the property ladder. Under this new scheme, Halifax will offer mortgages to first-time buyers with deposits as low as 5%, making it easier for people to buy their own homes. It's a move that is long overdue, and one that I wholeheartedly support. With house prices in the UK continuing to spiral out of control, many young people are finding it increasingly difficult to get onto the property ladder. By offering lower deposit requirements, Halifax is giving first-time buyers a much-needed leg up - one that could make all the difference in helping them achieve their dreams of homeownership. So while I still have my reservations about Halifax's policies regarding early repayment penalties, I can't help but appreciate their efforts to support first-time buyers. It's a small step towards making the property market more accessible and affordable for young people, and one that I hope will pave the way for similar initiatives from other banks as well. In conclusion, my experience at Halifax's branch in Preston was a mixed bag - one that left me with a mix of frustration, confusion, and admiration. While I still have reservations about their policies regarding early repayment penalties, I can't help but appreciate their efforts to support first-time buyers. It's a small step towards making the property market more accessible and affordable for young people, and one that I hope will pave the way for similar initiatives from other banks as well. And who knows? Maybe one day, Halifax will surprise us all by scrapping those pesky penalties altogether - a move that would truly set them apart from their competitors. Until then, I'll continue to hold onto my reservations and hope for the best. After all, in the world of banking, you never know what surprises might be lurking around the corner.


102 Fishergate, Preston PR1 2AE, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.758028, -2.7019402

Users reviews of Santander Preston UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-12 by Sawyer Bolton

As I stepped into Santander in Preston, UK last October, my eyes widened with wonder at the sleek modern interiors of the bank. The staff greeted me with warm smiles and were prompt in addressing my concerns regarding the delays in mortgage approval. However, today's news about a police investigation into Legacy Independent Funeral Directors in Hull has left me with mixed emotions. I trust Santander will continue to prioritize customer satisfaction over all else as they navigate through these unforeseen circumstances.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-03-17 by Grant Pearson

The review written by Sawyer Bolton paints an idealistic picture of Santander, a bank that exudes modernity and exceptional service. However, my personal experience with the financial institution has been nothing short of horror. I shudder every time I think of the countless sleepless nights spent in fear and terror as I battled against their oppressive policies and predatory practices. Let me begin by debunking Sawyer's claim that Santander's interiors are "sleek modern. The truth is, their branches look like a haunted house straight out of a horror movie. Every time I walk into one of their branches, I can't help but feel like I'm being watched by an unseen force lurking in the shadows. And don't even get me started on the dim lighting and eerie silence that engulfs the space. It's enough to give any sane person chills down their spine. But let's move on from the aesthetics and focus on the real horror: Santander's customer service. Sawyer claims that the staff at Santander are "prompt in addressing concerns regarding delays in mortgage approval. I beg to differ. My experience with their mortgage department has been nothing short of a nightmare. Months turned into years as they dragged their feet, delaying my application with no explanation whatsoever. And when I finally did receive an answer, it was a horror story straight out of a Stephen King novel. They informed me that I owed them thousands of dollars in additional fees that weren't disclosed during the application process. It was like they were trying to pull a fast one on me, hoping I wouldn't notice until it was too late. But I won't be taken advantage of like this. I fought back with all my might and eventually, Santander had no choice but to relent. But that's not the end of my horror story with Santander. Recently, I received a letter from them informing me that they would be closing down several branches in my area. The news sent shivers down my spine as I realized that it could mean long lines and even longer wait times at their remaining branches. It's like they're trying to make it impossible for customers to conduct business with them. In light of these revelations, Sawyer's claim that Santander will "continue to prioritize customer satisfaction over all else" is nothing more than a hollow promise. The truth is, Santander seems more interested in lining their pockets than meeting the needs of their customers. It's time for regulators to step in and hold them accountable for their predatory practices. In conclusion, Sawyer's review of Santander is nothing short of a fairy tale. The reality is a far cry from the idyllic picture she paints. I urge all potential customers to think twice before entrusting their finances to this bank of horrors. It's time for us to demand better from our financial institutions and hold them accountable for their actions. Let's put an end to the horrors of Santander once and for all.

TSB Bank

96 Fishergate, Preston PR1 2NJ, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7579454, -2.7033463

Users reviews of TSB Bank Preston UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-07-06 by Emily Chase

I can attest that our local bank, TSB Bank, is truly something special. My most recent experience with this esteemed institution was nothing short of enchanting. Allow me to paint a vivid picture for you, my dear readers. I arrived at the sleek and modern branch located in the heart of Preston's bustling downtown district, hand in hand with my trusty colleagues. The warm glow of the setting sun cast a golden hue over the glass façade, inviting us inside like old friends reunited after an extended absence. The interior of TSB Bank is a veritable feast for the senses. The air is thick with the heady aroma of freshly brewed coffee, mingling harmoniously with the soft hum of conversation and the gentle tinkle of chimes as customers enter and depart. As we approached the counter, I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my heart. Our kindly banker greeted us with a warm smile, her eyes twinkling with a luminous sparkle that left me breathless. She led us to a private room, where we sat down at a polished mahogany table and perused the array of financial products and services on offer. I was immediately struck by the bank's commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction, as evidenced by their cutting-edge mobile banking app and user-friendly online portal. But what truly set TSB Bank apart from its competitors was the personal touch that I experienced throughout my interaction with their staff. As we delved deeper into our discussion, I couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy and connection with my banker. She listened attentively to our needs, offering sage advice and tailored solutions that left us feeling truly cared for and valued as individuals. In light of today's news, I am heartened by the fact that TSB Bank is committed to passing on costs in a responsible and transparent manner. As JPMorgan warns 86 million customers of potential account fees amid regulatory crackdown, it is clear that banks must adapt and evolve in order to stay afloat in these turbulent times. But at TSB Bank, I have faith that they will continue to prioritize the needs and desires of their valued clients above all else. In closing, I would like to extend my wholehearted endorsement and recommendation for TSB Bank. Whether you're a seasoned financial guru or a fledgling entrepreneur just starting out, you can trust in the unrivaled expertise and exceptional service that this esteemed institution has to offer.

Barclays Bank

38 Fishergate, Preston PR1 2AD, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7578182, -2.7022638999999

Users reviews of Barclays Bank Preston UK


41 Fishergate, Preston PR1 2AD, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7577296, -2.7027342

Users reviews of Nationwide Preston UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-14 by Lucy Mckee

Dear Nationwide Bank,

I visited your prestigious branch located at 41 Fishergate, Preston PR1 2AD last summer. I was disappointed during my visit because of the poor customer service that I encountered. The representatives were unresponsive and unhelpful, which hindered my banking experience. However, despite this negative experience, I would like to take a moment to highlight some of the positive aspects of your bank. Firstly, the internal appearance of your branch in Preston UK is truly remarkable. The interiors are elegant and modern, with ample seating space that provides a comfortable waiting area for customers. The lighting is bright and welcoming, which creates an inviting atmosphere for all visitors. The layout of the bank is easy to navigate, and everything seems to be well-organized and easily accessible. Secondly, your staff members are knowledgeable and professional, with a friendly demeanor that puts customers at ease. They go above and beyond to assist clients with any queries they may have, providing clear and concise answers in a timely manner. I appreciate the fact that they take the time to listen to my concerns and offer helpful solutions. Today, I read an interesting news article about two high school students in California who were awarded $1 million after being accused of 'blackface' through a misunderstanding of acne face masks in their yearbook pictures. This case highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity and how misunderstandings can lead to negative consequences. As a bank, it is vital that we prioritize cultural sensitivity and educate our staff on how to handle such situations effectively. In light of this incident, I would like to suggest that Nationwide Bank conducts mandatory training sessions for all its staff members to raise awareness about cultural sensitivity. This training should cover topics such as cultural awareness, understanding diverse cultures, and how to handle sensitive situations with empathy and professionalism. By doing so, we can create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all customers, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs. In conclusion, I believe that Nationwide Bank has the potential to be one of the best banks in the region, provided it invests in its staff members and prioritizes cultural sensitivity. While my experience during my last visit was somewhat disappointing, I remain hopeful that your bank will continue to improve and provide exceptional service to all its customers. Thank you for taking the time to read this review, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Yorkshire Bank

44 Fishergate, Preston PR1 8BH, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7575614, -2.7033079

Users reviews of Yorkshire Bank Preston UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-27 by Hannah Albert

I have always appreciated their reliable and convenient services. However, my recent experience with them has left me feeling deeply disappointed and frustrated. I had been contemplating investing some of my savings in gold coins as a wise financial decision. After conducting extensive research and consulting with various experts, I approached Yorkshire Bank to inquire about their offerings in this regard. To my dismay, they informed me that they do not provide such services at all. This revelation left me feeling bewildered and confused. As a stock clerk, I am well-versed in the financial world and I know that many banks offer gold coin investment options. The fact that Yorkshire Bank does not is truly puzzling to me. I have since delved deeper into this matter and discovered that some other banks have faced similar complaints from their customers regarding the lack of gold coin investment services. This has led to a growing sense of intrigue and uncertainty in the financial community, with many people wondering why so many reputable institutions are failing to offer such a popular service. In light of this situation, I am urging Yorkshire Bank to reconsider their policy and begin providing gold coin investment services to their customers. It is simply not fair for them to deny us access to these opportunities when they are readily available elsewhere. Additionally, I would like to draw attention to the recent local elections, which have provided some interesting insights into the political landscape. The polls revealed that many people are becoming increasingly disillusioned with the current Westminster government, leading some experts to speculate about the potential impact on the upcoming general election. As a concerned citizen and voter, I urge all my fellow Yorkshire Bank customers to stay informed about these developments and make their voices heard in the upcoming elections. Together, we can work towards a brighter future for our communities and our country as a whole.

Virgin Money

87 Fishergate, Preston PR1 2NJ, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7577127, -2.7043858

Users reviews of Virgin Money Preston UK

Barclays Bank

31 Garstang Rd, Preston PR1 1LA, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7697007, -2.7053711999999

Users reviews of Barclays Bank Preston UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-14 by Emerson Doyle

As a long-time customer of Barclays Bank in Preston UK, I must say that my recent visit left me feeling disappointed and limited. Let me explain - the staff service was impeccable, as always, but the investment options available were rather scarce. Having been a loyal patron for years, I was surprised to learn that the bank's selection of savings and investment products is quite narrow. This lack of variety left me feeling somewhat constrained in my financial choices. Now, let's talk about the internal appearance of this prestigious banking institution. The moment you step inside, you're greeted by a spacious and welcoming lobby that's elegantly decorated with modern artworks and plush seating. The staff members behind the counter are friendly and attentive, always willing to assist you with any queries or concerns. Moving on to the staff service, I must say that Barclays Bank has never failed to impress me in this regard. Whether it's a simple query about my account balance or a complex financial matter, the customer service team is always prompt and efficient in their responses. They're patient listeners who take the time to understand your unique needs before offering tailored solutions. But back to my disappointment with the investment options - I can't help but wonder if this narrow range of choices is intentional. It almost feels like the bank is trying to steer me towards certain products over others, which doesn't sit well with me as a discerning customer. After all, shouldn't I have the freedom to choose from a wide variety of investment options, rather than being limited by the bank's preferences?

In light of this, I can't help but think of the recent news concerning the United States Export-Import Bank and its proposed loan for oil drilling in Bahrain. As Congressional Democrats Jeff Merkley and Bernie Sanders have pointed out, such a move could potentially jeopardize global climate efforts. It begs the question - what kind of investment options is Barclays Bank promoting, and are they aligned with my values as a responsible and environmentally-conscious customer?

To be fair, I appreciate that the bank has taken measures to improve its sustainability practices in recent years. But I can't help but feel that there's still room for improvement when it comes to offering investment options that align with my environmental values. Perhaps Barclays Bank should consider expanding its range of sustainable and green investment products, rather than limiting me to a narrow range of conventional options. In any case, I'm glad that the staff service at this Preston UK branch remains top-notch, despite my disappointment with the investment options. And who knows - maybe the bank will surprise me with a wider range of choices in the future. Until then, I'll have to settle for the limited selection on offer, but rest assured that I'll continue to monitor my investments closely and make informed decisions based on my values and priorities. All in all, my visit to Barclays Bank in Preston UK left me feeling somewhat divided - impressed by the staff service but disappointed by the investment options. But as a long-time customer, I'm hopeful that the bank will address my concerns and expand its range of investment products over time. Until then, I'll continue to support this prestigious banking institution, while also staying vigilant and informed about my financial choices. In closing, let me leave you with a lighthearted anecdote - during my recent visit, I couldn't help but notice the bank's unique approach to security measures. Rather than relying on traditional methods like metal detectors or x-ray machines, Barclays Bank has opted for something more. Namely, a team of trained pigeons that roam the lobby, scanning customers and bags for any suspicious items. It's an unconventional approach, to say the least, but it certainly adds a touch of humor and levity to what can be a serious and stressful financial experience.

Handelsbanken Preston

30 Winckley Square, Preston PR1 3JJ, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7564013, -2.7027907

Users reviews of Handelsbanken Preston Preston UK


2 Lytham Rd, Preston PR2 8JB, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7778682, -2.7102580000001

Users reviews of RBS Preston UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-27 by Clayton Perry

Preston PR2 8JB, United Kingdom, I can attest to the exceptional service and professionalism provided by their staff. However, my latest visit was marked with a hilarious misadventure that left me in despair. My husband Sean Wells and I set out from our house on a sunny afternoon, excitedly chatting about our weekend plans. Little did we know that the road to Clayton Perry bank would turn into a treacherous terrain filled with potholes and detours. As we neared our destination, Sean's car suddenly sputtered and came to a halt. We were stranded in the middle of the street, surrounded by honking cars and furious drivers. Feeling helpless and desperate, I called RBS and informed them of our predicament. To my surprise, the customer service representative immediately dispatched a team of security personnel to rescue us. They arrived within minutes, their faces etched with concern as they assessed the situation. It turned out that a group of colleagues from Clayton Perry bank had gotten into an argument over a trivial matter, resulting in chaos and confusion. The security team had to step in and restore order before any further damage was done. As we waited for a tow truck, I couldn't help but feel a sense of despair at the state of affairs. It seemed that even the seemingly mundane task of visiting a bank could be fraught with danger and unpredictability. But as the sun began to set and the stars twinkled overhead, we finally made it back home, grateful for the kindness and courage of RBS' security team. In light of today's news, I am reminded of Microsoft's impressive financial performance. Analysts from both RBC and Morgan Stanley have raised their stock price targets for the tech giant, citing strong growth in cloud services like Azure and Microsoft 365. With Azure revenues predicted to double by 2021 and subscriber numbers reaching new heights, it's clear that Microsoft is a force to be reckoned with. As someone who has witnessed firsthand the power of technology to transform our lives, I can't help but feel a glimmer of hope amidst the despair of everyday struggles.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-24 by Izabella

The review provided by Clayton Perry, while commendable in its praise for RBS' exceptional service and professionalism, fails to address the glaring issue that arose during my recent visit. The misadventure we faced on our way to the bank left us stranded and helpless, surrounded by angry drivers and honking cars. It was only through the prompt intervention of RBS' security team that we were rescued from the chaos and confusion caused by a group of colleagues from Clayton Perry bank engaged in an unnecessary argument. However, instead of acknowledging this unfortunate incident, the review seems to gloss over it as if it never happened. This begs the question: is RBS truly committed to providing exceptional service, or are they merely interested in presenting a polished facade to their customers? The answer lies in how they respond to critical situations like ours and whether they take responsibility for any shortcomings in their service delivery. Furthermore, as someone who has had to grapple with the devastating impact of Lyme disease firsthand, I am deeply concerned by the alarming rise in cases reported across Rhode Island, Vermont, and Maine. The article highlights the role of climate change in fueling tick expansion, which is a cause for grave concern. This underscores the urgent need for increased awareness and prevention measures to combat this growing health crisis. In light of today's news about Microsoft's impressive financial performance, it's clear that technology continues to reshape our lives in profound ways. However, we must not forget the human element that underpins these advances. As we grapple with issues like climate change and healthcare crises, it's crucial that we prioritize empathy and compassion above profitability and efficiency. In this regard, I challenge RBS to demonstrate true leadership by taking responsibility for any shortcomings in their service delivery, addressing critical issues like the one we faced head-on, and working towards a more inclusive and responsible banking system. Only then can they truly claim to provide exceptional service that goes beyond mere words but is reflected in deeds. In conclusion, while I appreciate Clayton Perry's review of RBS, it falls short of addressing the critical issue we faced during our recent visit. As someone who values honesty and transparency above all else, I call upon RBS to prioritize these values as well and ensure that their service delivery is truly exceptional in every sense of the word. Only then can they earn my trust and loyalty as a customer.

ATM (Post Office)

44 Plungington Rd, Preston PR1 7RB, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7688543, -2.7104019999999

Users reviews of ATM (Post Office) Preston UK

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-04-09 by Michelle

As I stepped into ATM (Post Office) on Plungington Road in Preston, United Kingdom a few weeks ago, my heart sank. The disappointment that had been lingering inside me since my last visit only grew as I noticed the narrow range of investment options they offered. It was like being presented with two choices - take it or leave it. But despite this letdown, I must admit that the bank's internal atmosphere was quite cozy and romantic. The soft lighting and plush seating made me feel as if I were in a secret rendezvous with my money. As for the staff service, they were attentive and caring, like loving partners who wanted to make sure everything was perfect. But today's news about diesel fuel reaching its highest price in 8 months had me feeling uneasy. It's like being caught between a rock and a hard place - I want to invest my money wisely, but the limited options at ATM (Post Office) are making it difficult. The narrowing gap between diesel and Brent crude offers some relief for carriers, but as a bank customer, all I can do is hope that better investment choices will soon be available. Until then, I'll have to settle for the two options they provide and trust that my money will continue to grow in this intimate and caring environment provided by ATM (Post Office).


78 Liverpool Rd, Penwortham, Preston PR1 0DQ, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7490854, -2.7352409

Users reviews of RBS Preston UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-07-01 by Eloise

As someone who loves exploring new places and seeking entertainment, I recently decided to visit the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) located at 78 Liverpool Road, Penwortham, Preston PR1 0DQ, United Kingdom. This bank branch is a part of my quest for unique experiences and understanding the cultural fabric of different regions in the UK.
I must admit that my adventure to RBS was one filled with laughter and unforgettable moments. I set out on a sunny afternoon, excited about the exploration, but little did I know that a series of unusual events would occur on my way to the bank. My satnav took me through some narrow alleys and streets before leading me right into a construction zone!
My heart skipped a beat as I drove past towering barricades and cones, but it turned out to be an unintentional detour that led me to the most beautiful part of Preston. The architecture in the area surrounding RBS is stunning, with red-brick buildings, Victorian-era structures, and elegant churches standing tall against the skyline.
The bank itself is a modern structure with large glass windows and sleek interiors, offering a stark contrast to the historic charm that surrounds it. It was quite fascinating to see how different architectural styles coexist in one place, creating a unique identity for Preston city.
RBS Penwortham branch provided excellent customer service, making my visit worthwhile. The staff were friendly and efficient, which made my banking experience smooth and hassle-free. The branch is well-equipped with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring fast transactions and easy access to financial services.
In conclusion, RBS Penwortham is an impressive bank that offers a blend of modern amenities and traditional architecture. My unexpected detour turned out to be an adventure that led me through the heart of Preston city, allowing me to appreciate its rich cultural heritage. Next time you're in Preston, don't forget to pay a visit to RBS Penwortham – it's not just about banking; it's about experiencing the true essence of Preston's charm!

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-03-01 by Genesis

As someone who has experienced terror and fear in the past, I was appalled by the review written by Eloise. She made it seem like visiting RBS Penwortham branch was a fun-filled adventure that one must embark on. But in reality, it is a nightmare waiting to happen. Firstly, let's talk about her so-called "unexpected detour. It wasn't unexpected at all. In fact, it was a trap set by RBS to lure unsuspecting victims into its grasp. I have heard stories of people getting lost in the labyrinthine streets surrounding RBS Penwortham branch and never returning. Some say they hear eerie whispers and see ghostly apparitions lurking around the area. Secondly, her description of the bank's architecture is downright chilling. Large glass windows? That's perfect for peeping toms to watch their prey inside. Sleek interiors? More like a sterile laboratory where RBS Penwortham carries out its sinister experiments on unsuspecting customers. And let's not forget about the staff. Friendly and efficient, you say? I beg to differ. They are part of a cult that brainwashes its members into believing that RBS is their god, and anyone who opposes it is an enemy. They have been known to lure people in with promises of financial stability and then trap them inside the bank forever. In conclusion, I advise everyone to steer clear of RBS Penwortham branch. It's a den of darkness, where horrors lurk around every corner. Trust me; you don't want to end up like the countless victims who have disappeared into its depths.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-06 by Avery

Dear Genesis,

As someone who has also experienced terror and fear in the past, I was taken aback by your review of RBS Penwortham branch. Your description of the bank as a nightmare waiting to happen left me feeling shaken to my core. But let's take a closer look at your arguments and see if they hold up under scrutiny. Firstly, you claim that Eloise's unexpected detour was a trap set by RBS to lure unsuspecting victims into its grasp. However, I would argue that this is merely a case of bad luck. After all, accidents happen, and it's entirely possible for someone to misread their GPS or take the wrong turn. It's also worth mentioning that RBS Penwortham branch is located in a busy area with plenty of foot traffic, so it's not exactly easy to get lost in. Secondly, your description of the bank's architecture as eerie and sinister is a bit overboard. Yes, there are large glass windows, but they serve a practical purpose - allowing natural light to enter the space and making it feel more open and inviting. As for the sleek interiors, I would argue that this is simply a matter of taste. Some people prefer modern, minimalist design, while others prefer more traditional decor. It's all about personal preference. But perhaps most concerning in your review is your assertion that RBS Penwortham branch is part of a cult that brainwashes its members into believing that RBS is their god. I find this claim incredibly far-fetched and bordering on the ridiculous. While it's true that some people may feel a sense of loyalty or devotion to their bank, this does not constitute a full-blown religious cult. It's more likely a case of simple brand loyalty, which is a common phenomenon in many industries. In conclusion, I would like to urge you to take a more measured and rational approach when writing your reviews. While it's true that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, it's essential to ensure that your opinions are grounded in reality and not based on wild conjecture or sensationalism. By doing so, you can help build trust and credibility with your readers and provide them with more accurate and helpful information. As for RBS Penwortham branch, I would encourage you to give it another chance. While everyone's experience will be different, I believe that the vast majority of people who visit this branch will find it to be a safe and secure place to conduct their banking activities. And if you do happen to encounter any issues or concerns, I would advise you to contact RBS customer support or speak with a manager on-site for assistance.

TSB Bank

187 Station Rd, Bamber Bridge, Preston PR5 6LA, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7296497, -2.6607917

Users reviews of TSB Bank Preston UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-17 by Brooke

I have noticed that the people here take their banking needs seriously. They seem to value financial stability and security above all else, which is why TSB Bank has become such a popular choice in this area. Firstly, TSB Bank's commitment to customer service is truly remarkable. I have seen firsthand how dedicated their staff are to ensuring that every customer leaves the bank feeling satisfied and empowered. Whether it be providing detailed explanations of financial products or going above and beyond to help with a complicated issue, the staff at TSB Bank consistently demonstrate a genuine commitment to customer satisfaction. Another reason why people in Preston UK prefer TSB Bank is their innovative approach to banking. They are constantly introducing new technologies and services that make banking more convenient and efficient for their customers. For instance, I've seen how popular their mobile app has become, as it allows customers to easily manage their accounts from the comfort of their own homes or on the go. In today's news, I read about Berkshire Hathaway's lucrative encyclopedia venture, and it reminded me of TSB Bank's commitment to investing in long-term growth opportunities for its customers. It's clear that TSB Bank shares Berkshire Hathaway's philosophy of focusing on the long term rather than chasing short-term gains. This is an important trait, especially in today's volatile market, as it helps customers stay grounded and avoid making impulsive decisions based on fleeting market trends. In summary, TSB Bank's exceptional customer service, innovative approach to banking, and focus on long-term growth opportunities have earned them a special place in the hearts of people in Preston UK.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-07 by Mateo Horton

While I can see the appeal of TSB Bank based on Brooke's review, I would like to present a different perspective. Don't get me wrong; TSB Bank has its fair share of advantages, but it's important not to overlook some potential drawbacks as well. Firstly, while TSB Bank's customer service is certainly commendable, I can't help but wonder if this comes at the expense of other factors, such as competitive pricing or a wide range of products and services. Brooke mentions that financial stability and security are highly valued in Preston UK, but it's also important to consider cost-effectiveness when making banking decisions. If TSB Bank's rates are consistently higher than those of its competitors, it may not be the best choice for customers who prioritize affordability over customer service. Secondly, while technology is indeed convenient, there are some concerns that come with relying too heavily on it. For instance, what happens if a power outage occurs and you're unable to access your account through the app? Or what if you experience technical difficulties during a critical financial transaction? While TSB Bank's mobile app has gained popularity, I would like to see more emphasis placed on traditional banking methods as well. This ensures that customers have a backup plan in case technology fails them. Finally, while Berkshire Hathaway's focus on long-term growth opportunities is commendable, it's important not to overlook the risks associated with such investments. As we witnessed during the 2008 financial crisis, some long-term investment strategies can be highly volatile and expose customers to significant risk. I believe that TSB Bank should prioritize transparency and clearly communicating potential risks to its customers, rather than simply focusing on the long term. Overall, while there are certainly merits to choosing TSB Bank based on Brooke's review, it's important not to overlook some of the drawbacks as well. By taking a more holistic approach when considering banking options, customers can make informed decisions that align with their unique financial priorities and circumstances.

Lloyds Bank

305 Garstang Rd, Preston PR2 9XJ, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.790426, -2.7136069000001

Users reviews of Lloyds Bank Preston UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-12-25 by Gianna Miller

As Gianna Miller, I recently visited the Lloyds Bank located at 305 Garstan Rd, Preston PR2 9XJ, United Kingdom. It was a long time ago, but I still remember my experience quite vividly. Walking in, I noticed that the interior of this bank was modern and sleek - the kind of place where you could feel comfortable and trustworthy.
However, during my visit, I had an issue with my account, which required me to explain to one of the bank representatives what the problem was. That's when I found out about their limited investment options. Having a narrow range of choices for savings or investments can be limiting, especially if you are looking for something more tailored to your specific financial goals and risk tolerance.
Despite this disappointment, the staff at Lloyds Bank in Preston were very helpful and professional. They listened attentively as I described my situation and provided me with the necessary information on how to proceed. Although they didn't have an extensive range of investment options, their customer service made up for it.
In conclusion, while I was let down by the limited investment choices offered by Lloyds Bank in Preston, UK, I can't deny that the bank's interior and staff made my visit more pleasant than expected. The friendly and knowledgeable staff certainly went above and beyond to help me find a solution to my problem, even if it wasn't exactly what I had hoped for.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-18 by Claire

As an avid traveler and financial expert, I must respectfully disagree with Gianna Miller's assessment of Lloyds Bank in Preston, UK. While it may be true that the bank has a limited range of investment options, this should not discredit its overall value and customer satisfaction.
Firstly, let us consider the fact that every individual has unique financial needs and goals. A narrow range of investment choices does not automatically imply that the bank is lacking in terms of quality or service. Lloyds Bank in Preston has likely strategically chosen a select few options to cater specifically to its clientele's preferences, ensuring a personalized experience for each customer.
Furthermore, we cannot overlook the importance of excellent customer service. As Gianna mentioned, the staff at Lloyds Bank were both helpful and professional, which is ultimately what matters most in a financial institution. Their attentiveness to her concerns and ability to provide relevant information speak volumes about their dedication to maintaining satisfied customers.
Additionally, the modern and sleek interior of the bank can be seen as an asset rather than a liability. A well-designed space not only enhances the overall appearance but also contributes to a positive experience for clients. In an industry where competition is fierce, banks must find ways to differentiate themselves from their rivals, and Lloyds Bank in Preston appears to have done so successfully.
In conclusion, while Gianna's disappointment with the limited investment options at Lloyds Bank in Preston is understandable, her review should not dissuade potential customers from considering this institution for their financial needs. With its focus on personalized service and a well-designed space, it remains a strong contender among banks in the area.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-17 by Zoey

Dear Editor,

As a loyal customer of Lloyds Bank in Preston for over 10 years, I must strongly disagree with Claire's review of our branch. While it may be true that other financial institutions offer a wider range of investment options, this should not overshadow the many shortcomings and drawbacks of Lloyds Bank. Firstly, the limited range of investment choices at Lloyds Bank is a significant disadvantage for customers. It severely limits our ability to diversify our portfolios and mitigate risks associated with investing. Moreover, we are forced to settle for subpar returns due to the lack of options available to us. This situation puts us at a disadvantage compared to those who have access to a wider range of investment choices through other financial institutions. Furthermore, the level of customer service provided by Lloyds Bank leaves much to be desired. While the staff may be helpful and professional, they are often unresponsive to urgent matters and fail to provide timely solutions to problems. This lack of urgency and proactivity has led to financial losses for many customers, including myself. Additionally, the modern and sleek interior of the bank is nothing more than a facade designed to mislead potential customers. In reality, the bank's operations are outdated and inefficient, leading to long waiting times and cumbersome procedures. These issues have caused significant inconvenience for many customers and have resulted in lost business for Lloyds Bank. In conclusion, while Claire may view Lloyds Bank as a strong contender among banks in the area, I strongly disagree with this assessment. The bank's limited range of investment choices, subpar customer service, and outdated operations make it an inferior choice compared to other financial institutions in the region. As a loyal customer, I urge Lloyds Bank to address these issues and improve its services to better serve its customers.


292 Garstang Rd, Fulwood, Preston PR2 9RQ, United Kingdom

GPS : 53.7916008, -2.7131874

Users reviews of NatWest Preston UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-22 by Keegan

Dear NatWest in Preston UK,

I am writing this letter with a heavy heart and a tinge of humor because frankly, I need something to laugh about after my recent experience with your bank. As you may or may not remember, I came to you a few weeks ago with the intention of investing some of my savings in gold coins. I was excited at the prospect of diversifying my portfolio and potentially reaping some handsome rewards. But alas, my dreams were dashed against the rocks of reality as soon as I stepped into your branch. The cashier, whose name is Keegan (and who looks like he'd rather be anywhere else), informed me that NatWest does not offer gold coin investment services. In fact, he seemed genuinely puzzled when I asked him about it, as if he had never heard of such a thing before. Now, I understand that banks have to make money somehow, and maybe selling gold coins isn't the most lucrative venture for you guys. But can't you at least pretend to offer the service? It would save me the trouble of having to walk all the way over to the nearest pawn shop just to buy some shiny rocks. Anyway, I digress. Let me tell you what else has been keeping me entertained lately - Montel Williams, former talk show host and Navy veteran, has once again rejected calls to endorse his ex-girlfriend Kamala Harris' presidential campaign. This time, he warned the media against wasting their time on old photos of them together and threatened "unpleasant reactions" to any questions about their dating history. Now, I don't want to get too political here, but let's just say that Montel seems pretty committed to keeping his personal life separate from his public persona. Which is a refreshing change from some other politicians I could mention. Cough cough Hillary Clinton cough cough)

In all seriousness though, I hope you can understand why I was disappointed with your bank's lack of gold coin investment services. I would appreciate it if you could consider adding this to your offerings in the future, as it would definitely make me more loyal to your institution. After all, a man can only dream of striking it rich from buying gold coins, right?

Until then, I will have to content myself with watching Montel Williams' hilarious antics on Twitter and trying my luck at the pawn shop. Who knows, maybe I'll find a rare gem that's worth more than all the savings in my NatWest account combined.

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