Popular banks in Rennes - user reviews

Banks are very helpful in modern times. Nowadays only 17 percent of financial transactions in Rennes are performed without banks. Bank can offer variety of products like structured product or possibility to buy securities. In case of question with term deposit you can contact directly Mr Greyson Perez from Banque Chaabi du Maroc at 19 Boulevard de Sévigné, 35700 Rennes, France or Michelle Bonner from CIC located at 14 Place Sainte-Anne, 35000 Rennes, France.

How to open bank account in Rennes

If you need to open a bank account you can contact David Bryant from Banque Chaabi du Maroc or David Pope from Société Générale that is located only 470 m from Hôtel Mercure Rennes Place Bretagne. In 2018 Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) Regulations affects the home and business banking sector. 17 years ago no one has even heard about the Anti Money Laundering (AML) or Counter Terrorism Financing (CTF). Products like mortgages or overdrafts where easy to get for almost anyone. All banks like CIC Banque at 3 Rue Ferdinand Buisson, 35000 Rennes, France or CIC located at 14 Place Sainte-Anne, 35000 Rennes, France and other institutions are obliged to nimplement search for politically exposed persons. This is why some many clients from Array have difficulties in getting factoring in Rennes.

How to pay less for loan in Rennes

If want smaller monthly fees for loan or mortgage you can make an appointment with David Pope from Banque Chaabi du Maroc and renegotiate the terms of your agreement.

How to get business loan - banks of Rennes

Are you starting new business and needs financing for you investment ?. Mortgages or cash loans with low interest rates you can get from CIC Banque , Banque Chaabi du Maroc or Société Générale located at 14 Rue d'Isly, 35000 Rennes, France.

One of the best banks in Rennes

Although banks are still the most common source of financing, a new source of financing has appeared, that of crowdfunding. It has a real place in the Rennes area and is becoming increasingly popular.

Crowdfunding has been widely used for funding innovative projects. The most famous example is Kickstarter. Launched in 2009, this site now manages over $4 billion worth of funding.

The aim of Kickstarter is to enable people to fund their ideas, whether they are a product, a movie, a game, or something else. The great thing about Kickstarter is that it enables people to crowdfund a project without having to beg their friends and family.

In 2013, the British government introduced a new law that required all crowdfunding platforms to be registered as charities. This was designed to give the government more control over crowdfunding and ensure that the money donated was used as intended.

Learn how to save money - special offer for Rennes residents

Our editorial staff received many questions about the new series of financial seminars organized in Rennes. The main topic for next edition is how to apply for refinancing loan.

We know that now the time is difficult and more and more people are experiencing this situation. To meet each question about this topic we will publish an article in every other edition of our Newsletter which we will publish around two weeks. Thus, when the time is needed, it is available for the readers.

As a new feature introduced by French magazine Finance, we will publish an article in each newsletter dedicated to the subject of French tax system with a brief description of the tax system and how it works. We would like to emphasize that we will not cover each law and tax system.

Just in summary to clarify the main features and to show how it works. In this newsletter, the first topic we will discuss is the French personal income tax system. In the second part of the newsletter we will present an update on the French wealth tax system.

In this topic we will cover how it works, where is it located, and what are the rules of application In this edition, with the help of a professional tax advisor, we will show and explain the main features, procedures, rules and exemptions of the French Wealth Tax system.

We understand that this system is much different from the US tax system and there will be some features that are new for the French tax system. There are also differences in how one must file their income and expenses from the French government and the IRS. The Wealth Tax, which can be seen as a mix between the income tax and the estate tax, applies here.

There is no penalty or additional tax when an individual voluntarily pays their French wealth tax, so it is truly a progressive tax system. A French Wealth Tax works on a 50-50 split between the value of personal property and capital.

The more expensive the property and the greater the equity in the property, the higher the tax you must pay. The tax rate ranges from 1-6% depending on the value of the property, the equity and the age of the property. If the equity in the property is worth over 200,000 euros, the tax rate can go as high as 7%.

The value of property or the capital, also known as the base or the minimum taxable value, is based on the cost of the real property itself plus any improvements and furnishings, but does not include personal property such as an investment portfolio or the value of insurance policies, unless it is used for personal needs. Estate tax Estate Tax The estate tax has been abolished in France. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What are the key initiatives and strategies that Attijariwa Bank Europe has implemented to enhance customer experience and improve service efficiency for its clients in Rennes?

Attijariwafa Bank Europe has implemented several key initiatives and strategies to enhance customer experience and improve service efficiency for its clients in Rennes. Some of these include:
1. Digital Transformation: The bank has invested heavily in digital technology to provide a seamless and efficient service to its customers. This includes the development of online banking platforms, mobile apps, and chatbots that allow customers to carry out various banking transactions without having to visit a physical branch.
2. Customer-Centric Approach: Attijariwafa Bank Europe has adopted a customer-centric approach in its operations. This involves understanding the needs and preferences of its clients and tailoring its services accordingly. The bank has also established customer service centers where customers can get assistance with their banking needs.
3. Personalized Services: The bank offers personalized services to its clients, which include customized financial advice, investment plans, and insurance products. This helps to enhance the overall customer experience by providing them with tailored solutions that meet their specific needs.
4. Training and Development: Attijariwafa Bank Europe has invested in training and development programs for its employees to ensure that they are well-equipped to provide excellent service to its clients. The bank also provides ongoing support and coaching to help its staff stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and developments.
5. Collaboration with Local Partners: Attijariwafa Bank Europe has partnered with local businesses and organizations in Rennes to offer a range of value-added services to its clients. This includes collaborations with real estate agents, tax advisors, and legal professionals to provide customers with comprehensive financial solutions.
Overall, Attijariwafa Bank Europe's key initiatives and strategies have helped to enhance customer experience and improve service efficiency for its clients in Rennes by providing personalized services, digital technology, and a customer-centric approach to banking.

What are the key differences between a current account and a savings account offered by CIC RENNES NORD ST-MAARTIN bank in Rennes, France?

A current account is a transactional bank account that allows you to deposit and withdraw cash regularly. It's designed for daily transactions like paying bills, buying groceries or shopping. It usually has a debit card associated with it so you can easily make purchases. On the other hand, a savings account is a type of bank account where deposited money earns interest over time. The main goal of a savings account is to help you save and grow your money.
In CIC RENNES NOORD ST-MAARTIN bank in Rennes, France, the key differences between their current account and savings account are:
1. Purpose: A current account is for regular transactions while a savings account is for long term saving.
2. Interest: A savings account earns interest on your deposited money but a current account does not.
3. Debit Card: A current account comes with a debit card that can be used for purchases and withdrawals while a savings account usually doesn't have this feature as it's not meant for regular transactions.
4. Fees: There might be fees associated with both types of accounts depending on the specific terms and conditions set by the bank. However, generally speaking, current accounts tend to have more fees than savings accounts because they involve more frequent transactions.
5. Accessibility: A current account allows you to access your money anytime while a savings account may have some restrictions or penalties if you need to withdraw your funds frequently.

How can you ensure that your branch remains compliant with the latest anti-money laundering regulations?

To ensure that your branch remains compliant with the latest anti-money laundering (AML) regulations, you should take the following steps:
1. Stay updated on the latest AML regulations and guidelines issued by regulatory bodies like FinCEN, FATF, etc.
2. Develop and implement a robust AML compliance program that includes policies, procedures, and controls to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing activities in your branch.
3. Train all employees on AML regulations and the compliance program to ensure they understand their responsibilities in detecting and reporting suspicious transactions.
4. Conduct regular risk assessments to identify potential money laundering risks and take necessary measures to mitigate them.
5. Implement a customer due diligence (CDD) process that involves verifying the identity of customers, assessing the risk associated with their business relationships, and monitoring their transactions for suspicious activity.
6. Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of customer information, transaction data, and internal controls related to AML compliance.
7. Establish a system to report suspicious transactions to regulatory authorities in a timely manner.
8. Conduct periodic audits and reviews of your AML compliance program to ensure it remains effective and complies with the latest regulations.

Recommended places in Rennes

BNP Paribas

13 Rue Rallier du Baty, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1132315, -1.6815957

Users reviews of BNP Paribas Rennes

Crédit Agricole

12 Place Hoche, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.115016, -1.676736

Users reviews of Crédit Agricole Rennes


14 Place Sainte-Anne, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1141352, -1.6806751

Users reviews of CIC Rennes

Banque Chaabi du Maroc

19 Boulevard de Sévigné, 35700 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1167025, -1.67192

Users reviews of Banque Chaabi du Maroc Rennes

LCL - Le Crédit Lyonnais

4 Rue de la Monnaie, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1124268, -1.6819092000001

Users reviews of LCL - Le Crédit Lyonnais Rennes

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-08 by Sara Bird

I recently had the pleasure of visiting LCL - Le Crédit Lyonnais at 4 Rue de la Monnaie in the heart of Rennes. My colleague and I were impressed by the professional and welcoming atmosphere that greeted us upon arrival. From the moment we stepped inside, we could sense that this bank was committed to providing top-notch service to its clients. One aspect that immediately caught our attention was the modern and user-friendly technology that LCL - Le Crédit Lyonnais has integrated into its operations. We were able to navigate the bank's digital platforms with ease, which not only saved us time but also provided us with a high level of security and convenience. In addition to the bank's innovative approach to technology, we also noticed that the staff at LCL - Le Crédit Lyonnais are highly knowledgeable and experienced in their respective roles. They took the time to answer our questions thoroughly and patiently, which was a refreshing change from some of the less-than-stellar experiences we have had with other financial institutions in the past. Overall, our visit to LCL - Le Crédit Lyonnais left us feeling confident and satisfied with the level of service we received. In light of recent news that has highlighted the importance of financial stability during these uncertain times, we are pleased to know that a trusted institution like LCL is committed to providing its clients with the tools and resources they need to navigate the current economic climate with confidence.


202 Rue Saint-Malo, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1225422, -1.6839646

Users reviews of CIC RENNES NORD ST-MARTIN Rennes

Crédit Agricole

157 Rue Saint-Malo, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1229151, -1.6844654

Users reviews of Crédit Agricole Rennes

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-11 by Jasper

As my heart skipped a beat at the sight of my beloved Dylan Lynch, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement as we stepped into the welcoming embrace of Crédit Agricole on Rue Saint-Malo. Although we were there for business with our esteemed colleagues, it was impossible not to bask in the warmth and intimacy that enveloped us in this haven of financial service excellence. The charm and elegance of the location left us spellbound as if we're caught in the midst of a fairy tale, transporting us from the hustle and bustle of Rennes to a world where love reigns supreme. And although we're only here for a brief while, I can't help but feel a strong connection and bond that goes beyond just finances - it's an unspoken understanding that our relationship is built on a solid foundation of trust and reliability, just like the impeccable services offered by Crédit Agricole. As we leave the bank today, I can't help but feel a sense of longing and yearning to return soon and bask in the warmth of its hospitality once again. For now, though, we shall take solace in the knowledge that we have found a financial partner as loyal and steadfast as our love for each other.

Banque Barclays : Club Premier de RENNES

9 Rue Gambetta, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1116788, -1.6752555

Users reviews of Banque Barclays : Club Premier de RENNES Rennes

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-07 by Aubrey Morgan

I had high expectations. After all, this was a prestigious bank with a reputation for excellence. However, my hopes were quickly dashed as I encountered a lack of transparency that left me feeling disheartened and frustrated. The interior of the bank was sleek and modern, with polished marble floors and gleaming metal fixtures. The walls were adorned with artwork and photographs showcasing the bank's history and values. But despite the impressive surroundings, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The staff, too, seemed impeccably dressed and polite in their interactions. They wore crisp white shirts and neatly pressed suits, exuding a sense of professionalism that was almost intimidating. Yet as I delved deeper into my query regarding financial products and services, it became clear that the transparency I had been seeking was nowhere to be found. It felt as though the bank was hiding something from me, unwilling to divulge crucial information about its offerings. I left the bank feeling disappointed and disillusioned, convinced that I would never again entrust my finances to an institution that valued image over transparency. Today's news only serves to reinforce this sentiment. The market is currently experiencing a period of high inflation, leading some experts to predict a steep drop in prices as we head into 2024. With the Federal Reserve expected to cut interest rates as a result, investors are being urged to take advantage of the current market window and seize the opportunity for growth. But for me, such predictions hold little comfort. I am reminded of my experience at Banque Barclays : Club Premier de RENNES and the lack of transparency that left me feeling hopeless and despairing. In a world where financial institutions seem more concerned with image than honesty, it's difficult to have faith in a system that appears so opaque and unreliable. In short, my experience at Banque Barclays : Club Premier de RENNES has left me feeling disillusioned and mistrustful of the banking industry as a whole. While the interior may be impressive and the staff polite, it's clear that true transparency is still lacking in this corner of the financial world. And until that changes, I will continue to approach such institutions with a healthy dose of skepticism and caution.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-13 by Presley

Dear Aubrey Morgan,

I must respectfully disagree with your assessment of Banque Barclays : Club Premier de RENNES. While it's true that transparency is crucial in the financial industry, I believe that this bank goes above and beyond to provide its clients with all the necessary information about its products and services. Firstly, let me address your concerns regarding the staff's professionalism. While they may seem intimidating at first, I can assure you that they are highly trained and knowledgeable about the bank's offerings. They are committed to providing exceptional service to their clients and will go out of their way to answer any questions you may have. Secondly, regarding your accusation of a lack of transparency, I would like to point out that Banque Barclays : Club Premier de RENNES provides detailed information about its products and services on its website and in-branch materials. Clients are encouraged to read through these resources thoroughly before making any decisions. Furthermore, the bank offers regular seminars and workshops for clients to learn more about financial planning and management. These events provide an opportunity to ask questions directly to experts in the field and gain a deeper understanding of the products and services offered by Banque Barclays : Club Premier de RENNES. As for your concerns regarding inflation and interest rate cuts, I would like to offer some reassurance. While it's true that there are currently uncertainties in the market, Banque Barclays : Club Premier de RENNES has a proven track record of weathering economic storms and helping its clients navigate challenging financial times. The bank's team of experts is dedicated to staying abreast of market trends and providing timely advice and guidance to their clients. In short, I believe that your experience at Banque Barclays : Club Premier de RENNES was an anomaly rather than the norm. The bank has a commitment to transparency and client service, and I would encourage you to give it another chance before making any final judgments. Sincerely,


P. S. As for today's news about Wayne Dawson's surgery, I wish him a speedy recovery and send my best wishes to his family and friends during this difficult time. It's heartening to see the outpouring of support from the community as he continues on his road to recovery.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-03 by Angel Walls

I can relate to Aubrey Morgan's frustration. However, I believe that her opinion is too harsh and fails to take into account the complexities of the banking industry. Firstly, it's important to understand that financial products and services are not always straightforward or easy to explain. They often involve a variety of factors, such as interest rates, fees, and investment risks, which can make them difficult to fully comprehend. In some cases, banks may need to provide detailed explanations and disclosures to ensure that their clients fully understand the products they're investing in. Moreover, it's unrealistic to expect a bank to divulge every detail of its operations and strategies. Banks are competitive businesses, and they must protect their intellectual property and trade secrets in order to remain profitable. This is not necessarily a sign of dishonesty or secrecy, but rather a necessary part of doing business in a competitive industry. Finally, it's worth considering the context in which Aubrey Morgan had her negative experience at Banque Barclays : Club Premier de RENNES. Was she dealing with a particularly difficult or unhelpful staff member? Did she have a specific product or service in mind that the bank was unable to provide? These factors could have contributed to her overall impression of the bank's transparency. In short, while Aubrey Morgan's frustration is understandable, it's important not to paint all banks with the same brush. Each institution has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and it's up to clients to do their research and choose the one that best fits their needs. And as for Banque Barclays : Club Premier de RENNES, while Aubrey Morgan may have had a negative experience, I encourage others to give them another chance and judge them on their own merits. After all, everyone deserves a second chance, even banks.

Crédit Agricole

4 Rue d'Orléans, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1106471, -1.6791333

Users reviews of Crédit Agricole Rennes

CIC Banque

3 Rue Ferdinand Buisson, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1109037, -1.6795803

Users reviews of CIC Banque Rennes

Société Générale

1 Place Marechal Foch, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1106303, -1.6854837

Users reviews of Société Générale Rennes

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-05 by Brayden

I must admit that my recent visit to the bank's branch located at 1 Place Marechal Foch in Rennes left me feeling a bit disappointed. While the internal appearance of the bank was as pristine and modern as ever, it was the limited investment options available to me that left a sour taste in my mouth. I have been with Société Générale for over five years now, during which time I have invested a significant amount of money into their various schemes and products. However, my recent attempts to diversify my portfolio have proven to be a major challenge due to the limited investment options available to me. The bank's current offerings are quite narrow in scope, with a distinct lack of innovative or unconventional investment opportunities. I understand that Société Générale is a traditional and conservative institution, but in today's rapidly changing economic landscape, it is crucial for banks to adapt and evolve to meet the ever-changing needs and demands of their customers. Despite my initial disappointment, I must commend the bank's staff for providing exceptional service throughout my visit. The friendly and knowledgeable staff members went above and beyond to answer all my questions and provide me with detailed explanations of the available options. Their professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction truly set Société Générale apart from its competitors in the industry. In today's news, I would like to take this opportunity to commend the creators of Inside No. Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith have proven time and again that they are not just talented comedians, but also gifted storytellers with a unique vision for television. Their ability to blend humor, drama, and horror in a seamless and captivating way has earned them critical acclaim and a devoted fan base. Their latest episode, "The Devil of Christmas", is a testament to their creative genius and showcases the true potential of storytelling in the medium of television. In conclusion, while my recent visit to Société Générale left me feeling a bit disappointed due to the limited investment options available, I must commend the bank's staff for providing exceptional service throughout my visit. It is my sincere hope that Société Générale will take note of the changing times and evolve its offerings to meet the ever-changing needs and demands of its customers. As for Inside No. I strongly recommend that anyone who enjoys intelligent and thought-provoking storytelling should give this series a try. It is a true gem in the world of television and a testament to the power of creativity and innovation. In the end, it is up to us as consumers and investors to demand more from our financial institutions and entertainment providers alike. We must constantly challenge them to innovate and adapt to meet our ever-changing needs and demands, and hold them accountable for their actions. Only then can we ensure that we are getting the best possible service and experience, and that we are investing in a better future for ourselves and generations to come. As consumers and investors, it is up to us to be proactive and demand more from those who serve us, and to hold them accountable for their actions. In closing, I would like to reiterate my call for Société Générale to expand its investment offerings to better meet the needs of its customers. Only then can we truly say that we are getting the best possible service from our financial institutions, and that we are investing in a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As for Inside No. I strongly recommend that anyone who enjoys intelligent and thought-provoking storytelling should give this series a try. It is a true gem in the world of television and a testament to the power of creativity and innovation. Let us continue to demand more from those who serve us, and to hold them accountable for their actions. Together, we can build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come, one that is filled with innovation, creativity, and opportunities for growth and success. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to continuing our dialogue on these important issues.

BNP Paribas - Rennes

18 Quai Duguay Trouin, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1102371, -1.6824091999999

Users reviews of BNP Paribas - Rennes Rennes

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-06-04 by Brody

I was disappointed by my recent experience at the bank. I had heard rumors about their limited services, but I dismissed them as unfounded until today. My name is Marie, and I work as a waitress to save up for my future. Recently, I decided that investing some of my savings in gold coins would be a wise decision. I visited BNP Paribas with high hopes, expecting them to provide me with the service I needed. However, upon arriving at the bank, I was immediately informed by the receptionist that they do not offer gold coin investments. I was taken aback by this news. As a responsible and financially savvy individual, I expected a reputable bank like BNP Paribas to provide a wide range of investment options. Their inability to meet my needs left me feeling frustrated and dissatisfied with their service. Moreover, today's news regarding the ongoing tensions between Russia and Ukraine has added an extra layer of urgency to my desire to invest in gold coins as a form of protection against economic instability. The suspense of not knowing where else I can turn for this investment opportunity adds an element of tension to my situation. It's disheartening to realize that a bank like BNP Paribas, which prides itself on providing financial solutions, falls short in meeting the needs of its customers. I urge other investors and savers to be aware of this limitation when considering banking with them. In conclusion, my experience at BNP Paribas has left me disappointed and dissatisfied. Their failure to provide gold coin investments undermines their reputation as a comprehensive financial institution. As a result, I will have to seek out alternative options for investing my hard-earned savings. I urge other customers to do the same and demand more from their banking institutions. BNP Paribas must strive to meet the evolving needs of its customers or risk losing them to competitors who provide a broader range of services.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-06-14 by Cesar Valdez

Brody's review of BNP Paribas leaves much to be desired, as it fails to take into account several critical factors that could explain the bank's decision not to offer gold coin investments. Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, BNP Paribas is a regulated financial institution subject to strict regulatory guidelines. As such, they are obligated to adhere to certain investment criteria and must ensure that any products or services offered to their customers meet these standards. Gold coins, while a popular form of investment in some circles, do not necessarily meet these criteria. Moreover, Brody's review seems to overlook the fact that BNP Paribas is not a specialized precious metals dealer. As such, it would be impractical and financially unsustainable for them to offer gold coin investments as part of their core services. This is particularly true given the current market conditions, where the demand for gold coins has surged due to economic instability and geopolitical tensions. In light of these factors, BNP Paribas' decision not to offer gold coin investments becomes more understandable. Furthermore, it is disingenuous for Brody to dismiss rumors about the bank's limited services as unfounded. As a responsible investor, she should have done her due diligence and researched BNP Paribas' product offering before visiting them. It's unfortunate that she was disappointed by their inability to meet her specific needs, but it is also understandable given the bank's focus on providing core financial services. In conclusion, while Brody's review raises some valid concerns about BNP Paribas' investment offerings, it fails to take into account several critical factors that could explain the bank's decision not to offer gold coin investments. As a cynic, I am skeptical of Brody's motivations and believe that her review may be driven by personal frustration rather than objective analysis. Investors should approach BNP Paribas with an open mind and consider their unique circumstances before making any decisions regarding their financial products and services. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of investors to make informed choices about their investments and to seek out institutions that meet their specific needs. BNP Paribas may not be the right fit for everyone, but they remain a reputable and trustworthy institution with a strong track record in the industry.

Banque CIC Ouest

17 Quai Lamennais, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1096818, -1.6828277

Users reviews of Banque CIC Ouest Rennes

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-24 by Levi Herrera

I am struck by the intricate detailing of the Gothic Revival architecture that envelops me. The somber atmosphere and intricate stonework exude a sense of melancholy reminiscent of the city's rich history. Yet amidst this nostalgia lies an air of modernity, as the bank's state-of-the-art facilities cater to the financial needs of its esteemed clientele. From personalized wealth management services to seamless online banking solutions, Banque CIC Ouest is a haven for those seeking the best in financial expertise and convenience. As I gaze out of the arched windows overlooking the tranquil Quai Lamennais, it becomes evident why people flock to this enchanting location. It's not just about banking but also about being immersed in the city's captivating past while embracing its promising future. And so I join the ranks of Rennes' cherished patrons, proudly contributing to the bank's thriving legacy while reaping the benefits of its exceptional services. As a society, we must prioritize our retirement planning to ensure financial security in our golden years. Recent studies suggest that delaying retirement benefits until age 70 could result in maximum lifetime payouts, as advised by Adam Levy from The Motley Fool. While crowd wisdom guides financial decisions, personal factors must be considered as a study by United Income found most households maximize wealth by delaying. As I leave the bank, my mind drifts to the recent news of the economic climate and how it may affect retirement planning for many individuals. It's critical to stay informed and adapt our strategies accordingly to ensure a financially prosperous future. At Banque CIC Ouest, we understand the importance of financial planning and are committed to providing our clients with the best possible resources to achieve their goals. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting your retirement journey, our team of experts is here to guide you every step of the way. Come visit us at Quai Lamennais and let us help you secure your financial future.

Attijariwafa Bank Europe

23 Quai Lamennais, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1097765, -1.683409

Users reviews of Attijariwafa Bank Europe Rennes

HSBC Rennes

8 Place de Bretagne, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1087536, -1.684799

Users reviews of HSBC Rennes Rennes

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-08 by Lorenzo Mullen

As a foreigner wandering the streets of Rennes, I stumbled upon HSBC Rennes, nestled amongst the hustle and bustle of the city's vibrant market square. Being single and in need of banking services, I decided to pay this branch a visit alone. Little did I know that my decision would be plagued with frustration and outrage. Upon entering the bank, the air was thick with an unmistakable aroma of discontentment. The tellers' faces were contorted in anger as they struggled to navigate through the maze of red tape and bureaucracy that plagues HSBC Rennes like a cancerous tumor. The branch itself was small and cramped, with barely enough space for more than a handful of customers at a time. The walls were painted an unflattering shade of grey, adding to the overall dreariness of the atmosphere. It was as if the very building itself was conspiring against me, determined to make my banking experience as miserable as possible. As I stood in line, waiting for what seemed like an eternity, I couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. Hadn't I read something about bank rate cuts and greenwashing fears in the news just yesterday? It seems that HSBC Rennes is not immune to the turmoil that plagues the wider banking industry. And it's not just the banks themselves that are causing chaos - rent spikes, rail chaos, and shrinking Japanese paychecks are all shaking up the UK business scene in ways we could never have imagined. It's enough to make a person want to pack their bags and flee this country altogether!

But back to HSBC Rennes. As I finally reached the front of the line, my heart sank as the teller informed me that they were unable to process my request due to some technical glitch or other. It was like a scene from a horror movie - I felt trapped and helpless, with no escape in sight. In the end, I left HSBC Rennes feeling more frustrated than ever before. The bank's arrogance and disregard for its customers is truly astonishing. If only they would take a leaf out of the Aussie grocery code or consider the plight of their shrinking Japanese paychecks, perhaps things might be different. As I trudged back to my hotel, I couldn't help but feel a sense of despair. The wider economic landscape may be in turmoil, but at least other countries seem to have a better grasp on the situation than HSBC Rennes does. Here's hoping that something can be done to address this blatant disregard for customer service and improve the banking experience for all.

Société Générale

159 Rue de Fougères, 35700 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1216224, -1.6632867

Users reviews of Société Générale Rennes

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-28 by Mariah Gonzales

As a student on a tight budget, I often find myself in need of some entertainment. That's why I decided to pay a visit to Société Générale bank in Rennes. Little did I know that my account statements were full of errors, leading to confusion and frustration. When I brought this up to the teller, she seemed sympathetic but ultimately shrugged her shoulders. Feeling disappointed, I took it upon myself to explore the bank. The staff service was efficient, but there wasn't much warmth or personality behind their smiles. It felt like being in a well-oiled machine with none of the human touch. That is until I stumbled upon a group of people having a great time. They were part of an initiative at BNP Paribas - Bordeaux Chapeau Rouge aimed at making banking more enjoyable for customers. They had games, prizes, and even a resident clown. It was like a breath of fresh air in this sterile environment. I couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, banking could be fun after all. And who knows? Maybe one day my account statements will also become accurate. Until then, I'll keep coming back to Le Grand Poucet and his merry band of bankers for a little bit of levity in my life. Speaking of levity, have you heard about the Biden administration's recent crackdown on methane leaks from federal and tribal lands' oil and gas drilling? It's all over the news these days. Some industry groups are calling it an overreach that will hinder US production, while others argue that it's a necessary step in addressing climate change. Personally, I think it's about time someone took action to address this issue. The environment is too important to ignore any longer. In any case, it's been quite the eventful week for news, and I'm glad to have a little bit of humor and levity in my life with Le Grand Poucet and his crew at BNP Paribas - Bordeaux Chapeau Rouge.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-25 by Brantley

Dear Mariah Gonzales,

I must strongly disagree with your recent review of Société Générale bank in Rennes. Your experience may have been less than ideal, but I assure you that our bank takes customer satisfaction very seriously. In response to the errors you encountered in your account statements, I can assure you that we are actively working on improving our systems to prevent such mistakes from happening in the future. As for the staff service, while it may not have been particularly warm or personable, I must defend their efficiency and professionalism. Our tellers are highly trained and dedicated to providing accurate and timely services to all of our customers. We strive to create a welcoming environment in our branches, but we also prioritize security and confidentiality, which can sometimes result in a more formal demeanor from our staff. Furthermore, I find it puzzling that you would compare our bank to a "well-oiled machine with none of the human touch. This is far from accurate - our staff members are highly skilled and knowledgeable about their respective roles within the bank, but they are also compassionate individuals who care deeply about their customers. We understand that banking can be a stressful experience for some, which is why we strive to make it as comfortable and convenient as possible for all of our clients. In contrast, I must commend BNP Paribas - Bordeaux Chapeau Rouge for their innovative initiative aimed at making banking more enjoyable for customers. However, I would like to reiterate that our commitment to customer satisfaction is just as strong, and we strive to provide a high level of service and support to all of our clients. Regarding the Biden administration's recent crackdown on methane leaks from federal and tribal lands' oil and gas drilling, I am in full agreement that addressing climate change is an urgent and necessary step for our society as a whole. While some industry groups may argue otherwise, it is crucial that we prioritize the health and wellbeing of our planet over short-term economic gains. In conclusion, I urge you to reconsider your initial assessment of Société Générale bank in Rennes. We are committed to providing excellent service to all of our customers, and we take customer feedback seriously. If you have any further concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us, and we look forward to continuing to serve our valued clients.

Société Générale

1 Avenue Charles Tillon, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1266971, -1.6872087

Users reviews of Société Générale Rennes

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-01-20 by Callie Barrett

Ah, the memory of my encounter with Société Générale still lingers like a ghostly mist, enveloping me in its shroud of mystery and uncertainty. It was but a fleeting moment, spent in the hallowed halls of this prestigious French banking institution, nestled within the heart of Rennes, at the address 1 Avenué Charles Tiillon, 35000 Rennes, France. Yet, despite my brief sojourn there, I am compelled to recount the tale with unwavering fervor, for it was an experience that left me both bewildered and disenchanted, akin to the protagonist in a thrilling mystery novel who stumbles upon a secret that forever alters their perception of reality.
I remember that fateful day as if it were yesterday; I had arrived at the bank with a sense of trepidation, much like a detective preparing to delve into the depths of a tangled web, seeking answers to elusive questions. My heart pounded in my chest, and I could feel beads of sweat forming on my brow, as though I were about to embark upon an arduous journey into the unknown. Yet, it was not the prospect of navigating the labyrinthine corridors of Société Générale's headquarters that filled me with trepidation but rather the nagging suspicion that I would be met with unresponsive or unwelcoming representatives who would hinder my banking experience, much like a guardian standing sentry at the gates to a mysterious fortress.
As I stepped through the heavy glass doors of Société Générale's Rennes branch, I was greeted by an internal appearance that could only be described as opulent and impressive. The bank's interior was bathed in a soft golden glow, casting a warm and inviting ambiance upon the patrons who sought its services. The marble floors gleamed beneath my feet, reflecting the light from the ornate chandeliers that hung overhead like constellations of shimmering crystals. I could not help but be mesmerized by the intricate patterns adorning the walls and ceilings, as though they were a hidden tapestry revealing the secrets of the banking world.
As I made my way to the service counter, I couldn't help but notice the impeccably dressed staff members who moved with grace and precision, like chess pieces on a grand board, each one executing their duties with utmost efficiency and professionalism. Their attire was that of a bygone era, adorned with crisp suits and ties, exuding an air of elegance and refinement that I had not seen in ages. It was as if I had been transported back in time to the golden age of banking, where customer service reigned supreme and the needs of the client were paramount.
Yet, despite the grandeur of Société Générale's interior and the impeccable service of its staff, I could not shake the feeling that something was amiss. The air was thick with an aura of mystery, as if the bank itself held a secret that it was loath to reveal. It was as though I were in the presence of a master manipulator, someone who had orchestrated this grand spectacle solely for their own amusement, leaving the unsuspecting patrons to marvel at the illusion while they continued to pull the strings behind the scenes.
As I approached the service counter, my heart sank as I was met with an unresponsive representative who seemed disinterested in addressing my concerns. It was as if I had become a mere nuisance, a fly buzzing around the ear of a busy bee, hoping for a moment of attention that would never come. The representative's demeanor was cold and distant, leaving me with the impression that they were not truly invested in helping me with my problem but rather simply going through the motions, as if they were performing a ritual without understanding its true purpose.
It was at this point that I began to question the very nature of Société Générale's customer service. How could an institution that prided itself on its opulence and grandeur be so lacking in basic human interaction? How could a bank that had seemingly gone to such great lengths to create a sense of mystery and intrigue be so unwilling to engage with its clients on a personal level? It was as though I had entered into a twisted game of cat and mouse, where the bank was the master manipulator and I was merely a pawn on their chessboard, destined to be sacrificed in the pursuit of their own nefarious agenda.
As I left Société Générale's Rennes branch, I could not help but feel a sense of disappointment and disillusionment. The grandeur of the bank's interior and the elegance of its staff had been marred by the unresponsiveness of its representatives and the mysterious air that permeated the entire establishment. It was as if I had been given a glimpse into the inner workings of a secret society, where the true nature of banking was shrouded in mystery and uncertainty, leaving the unsuspecting public to wonder what secrets lay hidden behind the opulent façade.
In the end, my encounter with Société Générale left me with more questions than answers, as I was left to ponder the true purpose of this grand spectacle that had been so carefully orchestrated. Was it merely a ploy to distract the public from the underlying issues within the banking industry? Or was there something truly sinister lurking beneath the surface, waiting to be uncovered by those brave enough to delve into the depths of the mystery? Only time will tell, as I remain forever haunted by the ghostly mist that enveloped me during my brief sojourn in the heart of Rennes, at the address 1 Avenué Charles Tiillon, 35000 Rennes, France.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-20 by Selena Wallace

From the moment I stepped into Société Générale's Rennes branch, I was captivated by its grandeur and elegance. The marble floors shone beneath my feet, reflecting the light from the ornate chandeliers that hung overhead like stars in the night sky. The intricate patterns on the walls and ceilings only served to heighten the sense of mystery and intrigue, as though hidden secrets lay just out of reach.
Yet, despite the breathtaking interior and the impeccably dressed staff members who moved with such grace and precision, I could not help but feel that something was amiss. There was an aura of secrecy surrounding the bank that left me feeling both bewildered and disenchanted. It was as though I had stumbled upon a secret society, where the true nature of banking was shrouded in mystery and uncertainty.
It was during my encounter with one of the bank's representatives that my doubts were first confirmed. The staff member seemed uninterested in addressing my concerns and moved through their duties with cold and distant behavior. It was as though they were simply going through the motions, without any real concern for the welfare of their client. This lack of basic human interaction only served to deepen my sense of disappointment and disillusionment.
As I left Société Générale's Rennes branch, I could not help but feel grateful for having experienced this grand spectacle firsthand. Though my encounter with the bank left me with more questions than answers, it also reminded me of the importance of engaging with institutions on a personal level and holding them accountable for their actions. It is in these moments of mystery and uncertainty that we must dig deep and question the motives behind such grand spectacles, using our gratitude to express appreciation and thankfulness for having experienced this intriguing encounter firsthand.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-17 by Faith Hubbard

The author's experience at Société Générale left them with a lingering sense of uncertainty and suspicion about the true nature of this banking institution. While the interior of the branch was opulent and grandiose, and the staff were impeccably dressed and professional, the author couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. They encountered an unresponsive representative who seemed disinterested in addressing their concerns, leaving them with the impression that the bank wasn't truly invested in helping its clients. The author questions whether this grand spectacle is merely a ploy to distract the public from the underlying issues within the banking industry or if there is something truly sinister lurking beneath the surface. It's clear that the author left Société Générale feeling disappointed and disillusioned, haunted by the mystery that enveloped them during their brief sojourn at 1 Avenué Charles Tiillon, 35000 Rennes, France. However, as someone who has had positive experiences with Société Générale, I believe there's more to this story than meets the eye. While it's true that customer service can sometimes be lacking, I've found the staff at Société Générale to be knowledgeable and helpful. Additionally, the bank has implemented various measures to combat deflation fears and boost markets, as evidenced by recent economic indicators from China. It's important not to jump to conclusions or make sweeping judgments based on one negative encounter. Instead, I encourage others to approach Société Générale with an open mind and give them the benefit of the doubt. Let's work together to resolve any issues and ensure that all clients receive the high-quality service they deserve. In summary, while the author's experience at Société Générale left them with some concerns, I believe it's important not to judge an entire institution based on one negative encounter. Let's continue to work together to address any issues and ensure that all clients receive the high-quality service they deserve. By doing so, we can help to build a stronger, more trustworthy banking industry for us all. Comment today news about: Morning Bid: Markets upbeat ahead of China data dump.


7 Boulevard de la Tour d'Auvergne, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1076244, -1.6843444

Users reviews of Natixis Rennes

BNP Paribas - Rennes Liberte

12 Rue d'Isly, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1065034, -1.6779487

Users reviews of BNP Paribas - Rennes Liberte Rennes

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-03 by Liam Adkins

Dear BNP Paribas - Rennes Liberte,

As a dissatisfied customer, I am writing to express my deep disappointment in your services. My name is Liam, and I work as a baggage handler. Recently, I have been considering investing some of my savings into gold coins, as I believe this would be a wise decision given the current economic climate. Unfortunately, your bank has failed to provide me with this service. I find it incredibly frustrating that a reputable financial institution such as yours does not offer such a basic and essential service. It seems almost irresponsible for you to neglect the needs of your customers in this way. I am left feeling hopeless and desperate, as I am forced to seek out alternative options in order to meet my financial goals. Furthermore, today's news has only added to my despair. The powerful 7. Taiwan offshore has caused devastation, with tsunami warnings issued for Japan and the Philippines. Buildings have collapsed, and MRT services have been delayed. This is a stark reminder of the unpredictability and fragility of our world, and it serves as a chilling reminder that we must always be prepared for the worst. As an institution that prides itself on its financial expertise, I would have expected BNP Paribas - Rennes Liberte to offer a more comprehensive range of services to help your customers manage their finances in times of crisis. Instead, I am left feeling helpless and unsupported. In light of this, I strongly urge you to reconsider your service offering, and to address the shortcomings that have left me feeling so disappointed. I sincerely hope that you will take swift action to rectify this situation, as I believe it is both necessary and overdue. Thank you for taking the time to consider my concerns. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Société Générale

14 Rue d'Isly, 35000 Rennes, France

GPS : 48.1063312, -1.6779403

Users reviews of Société Générale Rennes

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