Which banks in Stuttgart are most popular and respected?

Banks in can helps people with everyday life.In Stuttgart today over 83 percent of is done with the banks or other financial institutions.

Mobile banking in Stuttgart

Hotels like Hotel Am Friedensplatz is located only 1150 meters away from ODDO BHF Aktiengesellschaft but still many bank client would like to use Internet banking. Such institution can help you with many things. For example a leasing or overdrafts. If you have any question with financing of you enterprise you can contact Mr Ayden Bowen from Schwäbische Bank at Königstraße 28, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany or Myles Brown from ODDO BHF Aktiengesellschaft that could be found at Kleiner Schloßplatz 13, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany.

How to get factoring in Stuttgart

Several banks in Stuttgart can offer you factoring like UBS Europe SE or ODDO BHF Aktiengesellschaft. Please contact them directly or use a contact form on our webpage.. If you have problem with cash loans you can consolidation of several chalk in one lower installment. In Stuttgart you can contact Zane Vargas. Thanks to consolidation your monthly loan amount could be reduced from 26 to 27 percent or even more.

How to open bank account in Stuttgart

If you are looking for a personal bank account or business - company account in Stuttgart you can contact Spencer Marks from Schwäbische Bank or Zane Vargas from Santander Bank, Filiale Stuttgart that 670 meters from Restaurant Delice. The statistics presented below simple describe the number of AML Regulations that affects the banking sector in Stuttgart. Number of foreigners that apply for bank accounts in Stuttgart for current account in last 5 years:
Please don't forget to mention that you have contact from our website.

Here is some banking sector stats from Stuttgart

Gross turnover in particular products offered by banks in Stuttgart

Currency is United States Dollars.

Internet banking28955 USD56946 USD84946 USD112948 USD140954 USD424749 USD
Savings account29092 USD57106 USD85096 USD113096 USD141094 USD425484 USD
Settlement account29259 USD57253 USD85256 USD113250 USD141253 USD426271 USD
Investment funds29408 USD57412 USD85384 USD113408 USD141400 USD427012 USD
Cash loans29535 USD57530 USD85530 USD113560 USD141535 USD427690 USD
Total146249 USD286247 USD426212 USD566262 USD706236 USD

Cheap loans & mortgages Stuttgart

Please make appointment with Spencer Marks from Santander Bank, Filiale Stuttgart

Popular and Respected Banks in Stuttgart

Stuttgart is a major hub for banking and finance in Germany, and there are numerous banks in the city offering a wide range of services. Finding the right bank can be a challenge, and it’s important to know which are the most popular and respected institutions in the area. Here are some of the top banks in Stuttgart:

**Deutsche Bank AG** is one of the most well-known and respected banks in Stuttgart, and it is the largest universal bank in the world. It offers a full range of banking services, from savings accounts to investment and financial advice. Its customer service is highly rated and it is renowned for its commitment to innovation and sustainability.

**Commerzbank AG** is another popular bank in Stuttgart, with a long history of providing excellent customer service. It offers a wide range of banking services, from everyday accounts and credit cards to investment banking and business banking. It also has a strong focus on sustainability, offering customers green banking solutions.

**Baden-Württembergische Bank AG** is one of the oldest banks in Stuttgart, and it has a long history of providing quality banking services. It offers a full range of banking services, from everyday accounts and credit cards to investment banking and business banking. It also has a strong focus on sustainability, and it is committed to helping its customers make responsible financial decisions.

**Stadtsparkasse Stuttgart** is a public savings bank located in Stuttgart. It offers a wide range of banking services, from everyday accounts and credit cards to investment banking and business banking. It also offers a range of services for businesses, including loans, factoring, and asset management.

These are some of the most popular and respected banks in Stuttgart. Whether you’re looking for personal banking services or business banking services, these institutions offer a range of options to meet your needs. Choosing the right bank is important, and it pays to do your research and compare different providers to find the best fit for your requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the key differences between a standard loan and a social loan offered by Bank für Sozialwirtschaft AG, and what factors determine eligibility for each type of loan?

A standard loan is typically offered by commercial banks or financial institutions to individuals or businesses based on their creditworthiness. The loan amount, interest rate, and repayment terms are determined by the borrower's ability to repay the loan. In contrast, a social loan is specifically designed for individuals or families in need, usually with lower income or facing temporary financial difficulties. Bank für Sozialwirtschaft AG, for example, offers social loans with more flexible repayment options and lower interest rates compared to standard loans.
To be eligible for a standard loan, borrowers typically need a good credit score, stable employment, and a steady income. They must also demonstrate their ability to repay the loan according to the agreed terms. On the other hand, eligibility criteria for a social loan are more flexible. Bank für Sozialwirtschaft AG considers factors such as the borrower's financial situation, the purpose of the loan, and the potential impact on the borrower's quality of life. Social loans are aimed at providing affordable financing to those who may not qualify for a standard loan or face difficulties accessing credit due to their social or economic circumstances.

What is the process for approving commercial loans and what are the criteria used by Commerzbank Olga-Ecke branch in Stuttgart when evaluating loan applications?

Approving commercial loans involves a rigorous evaluation of the borrower's financial health, creditworthiness, and ability to repay the loan. Here is an outline of the process for approving commercial loans, and the criteria used by Commerzbank Olga-Ecke branch in Stuttgart when evaluating loan applications:
1. Review of application: The first step in the approval process is the review of the loan application form submitted by the borrower. This includes basic information such as the purpose of the loan, the amount requested, and the repayment schedule.
2. Credit check: Commerzbank Olga-Ecke branch conducts a credit check on the applicant to assess their creditworthiness. This involves reviewing the applicant's credit history, payment records, and financial status.
3. Business plan evaluation: The bank evaluates the business plan of the applicant to assess its feasibility and potential for success. This includes an analysis of the market conditions, competition, and projected revenues and expenses.
4. Collateral assessment: Commerzbank Olga-Ecke branch assesses the collateral provided by the borrower against the loan amount requested. The bank considers the value, liquidity, and risk associated with the collateral.
5. Financial analysis: The bank conducts a financial analysis of the applicant's business to determine its ability to repay the loan. This involves an assessment of the company's cash flow, debt-to-equity ratio, and other relevant financial metrics.
6. Risk assessment: Commerzbank Olga-Ecke branch assesses the risk associated with the loan application based on various factors such as the industry, economic conditions, and the borrower's track record. The bank also considers the potential impact of any unforeseen events that could affect the borrower's ability to repay the loan.
7. Decision: Based on the findings of the above evaluation, Commerzbank Olga-Ecke branch makes a decision on whether to approve or reject the loan application. If approved, the bank may offer additional terms and conditions based on the risk assessment.
The criteria used by Commerzbank Olga-Ecke branch in Stuttgart when evaluating loan applications include:
1. Creditworthiness: The borrower's ability to repay the loan is assessed through a thorough credit check.
2. Business plan: A well-structured and viable business plan is essential for approval of commercial loans.
3. Collateral: Commerzbank Olga-Ecke branch requires collateral as security against the loan amount. The value, liquidity, and risk associated with the collateral are assessed during evaluation.
4. Financial health: The bank evaluates the financial health of the borrower's business through a comprehensive financial analysis. This includes an assessment of cash flow, debt-to-equity ratio, and other relevant financial metrics.
5. Risk assessment: Commerzbank Olga-Ecke branch assesses the risk associated with the loan application based on various factors such as the industry, economic conditions, and the borrower's track record. The bank also considers the potential impact of any unforeseen events that could affect the borrower's ability to repay the loan.
In conclusion, the process for approving commercial loans is comprehensive and involves a rigorous evaluation of various factors such as creditworthiness, business plan, collateral, financial health, and risk assessment. Commerzbank Olga-Ecke branch in Stuttgart uses these criteria when evaluating loan applications to determine the viability and risk associated with each application.

Recommended places in Stuttgart

UBS Europe SE

Lautenschlagerstraße 23, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.7805528, 9.1785003

Users reviews of UBS Europe SE Stuttgart

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-24 by Eliza Mayer

Dear UBS Europe SE in Stuttgart,

I am absolutely furious with your company's blatant disregard for my financial needs as a responsible and hardworking individual. I came to you with the intention of investing some of my savings in gold coins, but unfortunately, you have failed me miserably. Your bank does not offer this type of service, leaving me feeling utterly disappointed and frustrated. How can a reputable financial institution like UBS Europe SE refuse such a simple request from its customers? Do you not understand the importance of providing a diverse range of investment options to your clients? Are you content with watching your competitors steal away your potential customers because they actually care about their needs?

I cannot believe that in 2022, a bank like yours can still operate with such outdated policies. It's beyond disheartening to know that my hard-earned money is being held captive by a bank that fails to deliver even the most basic investment services. Your refusal to meet my needs has forced me to explore alternatives and, frankly, I am considering moving all of my accounts elsewhere. Furthermore, I am deeply disturbed by the recent news regarding the $95bn aid package for Ukraine and Israel. As a taxpayer, I have no say in how my hard-earned money is being spent abroad. The fact that our government is funneling billions of dollars into foreign conflicts without proper oversight or consultation with its citizens is utterly appalling. It's time we start prioritizing the needs of our own people over those of foreign nations. In conclusion, I demand that UBS Europe SE immediately reconsider your policies regarding gold coin investments and expand your services to meet the diverse needs of your clients. Failure to do so will result in me taking my business elsewhere, and I will not hesitate to spread the word about your shortcomings to my peers and colleagues.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-17 by Penelope

Dear Eliza Mayer,

While we understand your frustration regarding our investment options, we must clarify that UBS Europe SE does offer gold investments in various forms such as Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and certificates. Our focus on these products is based on their liquidity and ease of trading compared to physical coins which can be subject to storage and transportation costs. However, we acknowledge that some clients prefer the tangibility of owning physical gold, and we are exploring ways to meet this demand while adhering to regulatory requirements. In regards to your concern about government aid packages, UBS Europe SE is a private company that does not directly participate in these decisions. We do, however, advise our clients on the potential impacts of such policies on their investments and financial strategies. Our primary objective is to provide them with informed guidance and investment solutions that align with their individual needs and circumstances. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by our current policies, and we assure you that we will continue to evaluate and refine our offerings based on client feedback and market trends. We value your business and appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns directly. If you have any further questions or requests, please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience. Sincerely,
UBS Europe SE Management Team.

Schwäbische Bank

Königstraße 28, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.7788466, 9.1781782

Users reviews of Schwäbische Bank Stuttgart

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-28 by Makayla

Dear Schwäbische Bank in Stuttgart,

I must admit, your reputation as a reputable financial institution has been severely tarnished after my recent experience. I came to you seeking to invest some of my savings in gold coins, but unfortunately, you were unable to provide me with this service. Shocking, I know. It's almost as if you're not a full-service bank at all!

Your inability to offer this basic investment option has left me feeling disappointed and slightly embarrassed. After all, it's not exactly breaking news that gold is a valuable commodity that many people choose to invest in. I would have thought that a bank with your prestigious name and long-standing history would be able to provide such a service, but I guess I was wrong. Perhaps you could enlighten me as to why this is the case? Is it because your staff are too busy sipping coffee and chatting about their weekend plans to bother with something as mundane as selling gold coins? Or maybe your computer systems aren't advanced enough to handle such a complex task? Either way, I can't help but feel that your bank is falling behind the times. As for today's news, it seems that the Fed's rate hikes are causing quite a stir in the world of emerging market debt. Brace yourself for currency turmoil, higher debt service costs, and asset flight, as investors scramble to find more stable options. It's almost as if they've learned their lesson from the last time rates were raised. But who knows? Maybe this time will be different!

In any case, I hope that your bank can get its act together and start providing the services that your customers actually want. Until then, I'm afraid I'll have to explore other options for my investment needs.

L-Bank, State Bank of Baden-Württemberg

Börsenstraße 1, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.7806898, 9.1759669

Users reviews of L-Bank, State Bank of Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart

Baden-Württembergische Bank - SB-ServiceCenter

Münzstraße 3, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.7755758, 9.1791452

Users reviews of Baden-Württembergische Bank - SB-ServiceCenter Stuttgart

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-26 by Aidan Hughes

As a responsible and cautious individual, I have always been on the lookout for opportunities to secure my hard-earned savings. That's why when I heard about the potential benefits of investing in gold coins, I decided to explore this option further. Being a resident of Stuttgart, I naturally turned to Baden-Württembergische Bank - SB-ServiceCenter in search of guidance and assistance.

However, my experience at this bank has left me feeling disappointed and frustrated. Despite repeated requests, the staff here simply refuse to provide me with any information regarding gold coin investments. It's as if they are hiding something from me, or perhaps they just don't want my business? The suspense surrounding their reluctance to offer this service is both puzzling and infuriating.

Initially, I was met with blank stares and hesitant responses when I broached the topic of gold coins. After several futile attempts at persuading the bank representatives, I decided to take matters into my own hands and conduct some independent research. To my dismay, I discovered that other banks in the area are more than happy to offer this service without any undue fuss or complications.

This stark contrast between Baden-Württembergische Bank - SB-ServiceCenter and their competitors has left me feeling deeply dissatisfied. I had always held this bank in high esteem, but now I can't help wondering if they are deliberately holding back on their customers in a bid to preserve their own profits. The sense of tension and anticipation that surrounds my dealings with them has taken a toll on my trust and confidence in the institution as a whole.

As a truck driver, I am used to working hard and earning every penny I make. I expect nothing less from the banks I choose to do business with. It's time for Baden-Württembergische Bank - SB-ServiceCenter to start treating their clients with the same level of respect and attention that they deserve. Until then, I will continue exploring my options elsewhere in search of a more reliable and trustworthy financial partner.

Baden-Württembergische Bank - Filiale

Charlottenstraße 11, 70182 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.774992, 9.185029

Users reviews of Baden-Württembergische Bank - Filiale Stuttgart

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-18 by Julia

Dear Baden-Württembergische Bank - Filiale in Stuttgart,

I am writing today to express my disappointment with the services you offer. As a loyal customer of your bank for several years, I have always appreciated the reliable and efficient service you provide. However, I recently discovered that there is one area where your services fall short, and it has left me feeling frustrated and disappointed. As an investor, I have been looking to diversify my portfolio and explore new investment opportunities. I was surprised to learn that your bank does not offer gold coins as an investment option. This is a significant oversight, given the current economic climate and the potential for growth in this market. I understand that your bank focuses primarily on traditional banking services, but I believe it's essential to adapt and evolve with the changing times. Many of your competitors have recognized the value of gold coins as an investment option and are offering these services to their customers. It would be a significant advantage for your bank to follow suit. I am writing this letter today in the hope that you will consider my feedback and take necessary action. As a valued customer, I expect that you will perform this task to the best of your ability, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon. In light of recent news regarding Genesis Global Capital's debt repayment plan being approved by the court, I would like to express my gratitude for the efficiency and professionalism displayed during this process. It is reassuring to see that the bankruptcy proceedings are being handled in a fair and transparent manner, and I appreciate the efforts of all parties involved. I am confident that with your continued commitment to excellence, Baden-Württembergische Bank - Filiale in Stuttgart will continue to be a leader in the banking industry, providing innovative and valuable services to its customers. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Santander Consumer Bank AG Filiale Stuttgart

Neue Brücke 1, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.7747153, 9.1762032

Users reviews of Santander Consumer Bank AG Filiale Stuttgart Stuttgart

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-08 by Beau Sloan

I can attest that the bank's decor is straight out of a time capsule from the 90s. The beige walls and fluorescent lighting give it an eerie vibe that would make even the bravest soul shudder. But let's be real, who cares about ambiance when you're dealing with unresponsive representatives? I remember walking in with a list of questions as long as my arm and being met with blank stares and curt responses. It was like trying to communicate with an alien species. Talk about customer service gone awry! On a lighter note, did you hear that Crocs just released their earnings report? Analysts are now predicting a stock price target that's higher than the height of their signature clogs! I guess even a company known for its comfy and functional footwear can have a winning streak. Speaking of winners, let me tell you about my latest discovery - a cozy little café around the corner from Santander Consumer Bank AG Filiale Stuttgart that serves the most delectable pastries this side of heaven. If only they offered banking services too, I'd never have to leave! Alas, I guess I'll just have to settle for my morning fix of caffeine and flaky goodness before facing the horrors of Santander Consumer Bank AG Filiale Stuttgart once again. Until then, I'll keep dreaming of a world where customer service and croissants coexist in perfect harmony.

Commerzbank Olga-Ecke

Olgastraße 32, 70182 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.7750324, 9.1856872

Users reviews of Commerzbank Olga-Ecke Stuttgart


Königstraße 11-15, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.7776306, 9.1778146

Users reviews of Commerzbank Stuttgart

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-04-30 by Easton

Dear Commerzbank in Stuttgart,

I am writing to express my disappointment with the lack of services you offer as a bank. As someone who values financial stability and security, I have saved a significant amount of money over the years. Recently, I had the idea to invest some of these savings into gold coins. To my dismay, Commerzbank in Stuttgart is unable to provide me with this service. As a lawyer working in Easton, I was under the impression that a major bank like Commerzbank would offer a range of investment options to its customers. However, it seems that I am mistaken. This has left me feeling frustrated and dissatisfied with your bank's services. I understand that banks must adhere to certain regulatory requirements when it comes to investments, but it still feels like a missed opportunity for Commerzbank in Stuttgart to not offer gold coins as an investment option. I believe that this would be a valuable service to provide, especially given the current economic climate and fluctuations in the stock market. In light of my disappointment, I am considering exploring other banking options in the future. As a loyal customer of Commerzbank in Stuttgart for many years, it pains me to even consider this, but I simply cannot justify continuing to do business with a bank that is not meeting all of my needs. I would like to request that you take my concerns into consideration and explore ways to expand your investment offerings. As a valued customer, I believe that this would go a long way in demonstrating your commitment to meeting the needs of your clients. In related news, China has recently announced the reintroduction of its Winter Pollution Action Plan. This plan is designed to combat air pollution during the winter months when cold weather can exacerbate smog levels. While China's efforts are commendable, a report by CREA suggests that half of the cities targeted by the action plan failed to meet their PM2. This highlights the ongoing challenges facing China as it seeks to improve air quality and address environmental concerns.

ODDO BHF Aktiengesellschaft

Kleiner Schloßplatz 13, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.7789473, 9.1768713

Users reviews of ODDO BHF Aktiengesellschaft Stuttgart

Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank eG - apoBank

Alexanderstraße 5, 70184 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.7767069, 9.1901177

Users reviews of Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank eG - apoBank Stuttgart

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-10-08 by Derek

I recently had the opportunity to visit the Deutsch Apotheker- und Ärztebank eG - apoBank located at Alexanderstraße 5 in Stuttgart. Situated just a few blocks away from the iconic Königstrasse and Schlossplatz, this bank provides excellent service for its customers. The staff is highly professional and knowledgeable about banking products and services.
One day while I was heading to my office at apoBank, I took an unusual route as part of my adventure-seeking spirit. Instead of walking straight from the Hauptbahnhof (main train station), I decided to take a detour through the scenic Schlossgarten (palace garden) and the historic Altstadt (old town). Little did I know that this decision would lead me on quite an unexpected journey!
I walked along the beautiful tree-lined paths of the Schlossgarten, admiring the various flowers and plants. As I neared the old town area, I stumbled upon a local market selling delicious pastries and handmade crafts. It was hard to resist the temptation, but since I had an important meeting at work, I decided to continue my way towards apoBank.
However, just as I thought I was close to my destination, I got lost in the winding streets of Stuttgart's old town. I asked several locals for directions, but they all seemed to be giving me different answers! Eventually, after wandering around for what felt like hours (though it was probably only 30 minutes), I stumbled upon a familiar sight: the iconic Neues Schloss (new palace). From there, it was easy to find my way back to Alexanderstraße and apoBank.
Despite my detour, arriving at apoBank was truly worth it. Their excellent service and friendly staff made me feel right at home. Plus, now I know how to navigate Stuttgart's old town better than ever before! So if you find yourself in need of banking services or simply want to explore the charming streets of Stuttgart's historic center, don't hesitate to visit Deutsch Apotheker- und Ärztebank eG - apoBank at Alexanderstraße 5.

Deutsche Bank Filiale

Theodor-Heuss-Straße 3, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.7779275, 9.1752798

Users reviews of Deutsche Bank Filiale Stuttgart

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-04-14 by Aurora Garrett

my heart beats faster with every step. The city may be known for its stunning architecture and thriving tech industry, but it's also home to a secret that sends chills down the spines of those who know it well. That place is Deutsche Bank Filiale, located in the heart of the city on a quiet street that seems almost too serene for what lies within. The building itself is unassuming, with grey brick walls and large glass windows that let in just enough light to illuminate the ominous sign hanging above the entrance. But don't be fooled by its understated exterior - inside, it's a different story entirely. It's said that those who enter Deutsche Bank Filiale never leave the same as they came in. Some have reported feeling a sudden weight on their chest as soon as they step through the doors, as if the very air itself is suffocating them. Others claim to see shadowy figures lurking in the corners of their vision, their eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. And still others swear that they've heard whispers and moans emanating from the depths of the bank, as if some unspeakable horror is being perpetrated within its walls. Of course, there are skeptics who dismiss these tales as nothing more than superstition and hearsay. But I know better. As a frequent visitor to Deutsche Bank Filiale myself, I've seen things that defy explanation. Once, while waiting in line at one of the tellers, I caught a glimpse of a man in a black suit and fedora hat slipping into the shadows behind the counter. He looked as if he were carrying something heavy and bulky - perhaps a chest filled with gold or jewels? But when I turned to follow him, he was gone, leaving no trace behind. Another time, while sitting in one of the bank's plush leather chairs, I heard a woman shriek from somewhere deep within the building. Her cries were muffled and distorted, as if she were being strangled or suffocated. But when I asked the teller about it, she simply shrugged and said that there must have been some sort of construction going on in the back. I've also heard rumors that Deutsche Bank Filiale is somehow connected to a larger conspiracy involving money laundering, tax evasion, and other financial crimes. Some say that the bank serves as a front for a shadowy organization with ties to international intelligence agencies, while others speculate that it's simply a convenient place for wealthy criminals to launder their ill-gotten gains. Whatever the truth may be, one thing is clear: Deutsche Bank Filiale is no ordinary bank. It's a place of darkness and mystery, where secrets are guarded like precious jewels and danger lurks around every corner. And yet, despite all the warnings and rumors, people continue to flock to its doors in search of financial services and other, more sinister purposes. As for me, I'm already planning my next visit to Deutsche Bank Filiale. There's something irresistible about the pull of its dark secrets, something that draws me back again and again, no matter how terrifying it may be. And who knows? Maybe this time, I'll finally get to the bottom of its mysteries once and for all. But until then, I'll continue to tread softly through its halls, my heart pounding with each step, as I try to unravel the secrets that lie hidden within. In regards to today's news, it seems that there is some legal drama unfolding in New York involving President Trump. Specifically, a prosecutor named Alvin Bragg has brought forth a novel legal strategy known as "wildcard witnesses," which essentially allows for multiple defendants to be charged with the same crime on the basis of circumstantial evidence. Some legal experts are skeptical of this approach, arguing that it could lead to confusion and inconsistencies in the courtroom. Only time will tell whether this case against Trump will hold up in court or crumble under scrutiny. But one thing is for certain: Deutsche Bank Filiale will remain a beacon of horror and intrigue, drawing people in with its secrets and mysteries long after any legal drama has passed.

Bank Julius Bär Europe AG

Königstraße 43, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.7745, 9.17507

Users reviews of Bank Julius Bär Europe AG Stuttgart

GLS Bank / Filiale Stuttgart

Eugensplatz 5, 70184 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.7779928, 9.1906564

Users reviews of GLS Bank / Filiale Stuttgart Stuttgart

MSB Öffentlicher Sektor Stuttgart

Friedrichstraße 22, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.78151, 9.17674

Users reviews of MSB Öffentlicher Sektor Stuttgart Stuttgart

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-05-12 by Raegan Morrow

As a client, I had an exceptional experience at MSB Öffenlitlicher Sektor Stuttgart. The bank's interior design and staff service were remarkable, creating a welcoming atmosphere that made me feel valued and supported throughout the mortgage application process. Despite delays in approval, they assured me of their dedication to helping me achieve my dream of owning a home.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-12 by Ruby

Oh, the joys of dealing with MSB Öffentlicher Sektor Stuttgart! Where else can you experience exceptional service and remarkable interior design all while waiting for your mortgage application to be approved at a snail's pace? It's almost like they forgot to mention that part during their sales pitch. Let's be real, there's nothing more enjoyable than feeling valued and supported as you watch your dream of homeownership slip further and further away. Sure, the staff is friendly enough, but after weeks of chasing down paperwork and answering the same questions over and over again, one starts to wonder if they're being played for a fool. The bank's dedication to helping its clients achieve their dreams is admirable, but it's hard to shake the feeling that they'd rather string you along than just say no upfront. And don't even get me started on the delays - it's almost as if they're deliberately dragging out the process so that you'll forget what you applied for in the first place. But hey, at least the interior design is pretty, right? The soothing beige walls and tasteful artwork will surely ease the pain of being rejected yet again. It's almost like they're trying to distract you from the fact that your mortgage application has been stuck in limbo for months. In short, my experience with MSB Öffentlicher Sektor Stuttgart has been nothing short of exceptional - except for the part where they've failed to approve my mortgage application in a timely manner. But who needs a house anyway when you can admire the bank's sleek interiors and friendly staff? Just don't expect any results any time soon. Sarcasm aside, I understand that the approval process for mortgages can be lengthy and complex. However, it's disheartening to feel like my application is being deliberately delayed, and I would appreciate more transparency and communication throughout the process.

Santander Bank, Filiale Stuttgart

Calwer Str. 34, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.7760608, 9.1737486

Users reviews of Santander Bank, Filiale Stuttgart Stuttgart

Bank für Sozialwirtschaft AG

Theodor-Heuss-Straße 10, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.77736, 9.173599

Users reviews of Bank für Sozialwirtschaft AG Stuttgart

Aareal Bank AG

Büchsenstraße 26, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.777942, 9.1730655

Users reviews of Aareal Bank AG Stuttgart


Rotebühlpl. 5, 70178 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.77408, 9.17311

Users reviews of TARGOBANK Stuttgart

İȘBANK AG - Filiale Stuttgart

Friedrichstraße 9, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.78312, 9.17808

Users reviews of İȘBANK AG - Filiale Stuttgart Stuttgart

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-08-20 by Paige

As a valued customer advisor at İŞBANK AG - Filiale Stuttgart, I am dismayed by the lack of options available for customers like myself who wish to diversify our investments through purchasing gold coins. Despite having savings that could benefit from such an investment, it appears that our esteemed bank does not provide this essential service, leaving customers with limited choices when seeking financial growth opportunities. It is crucial for banks to stay relevant and competitive in today's market, which includes offering diverse and valuable services to cater to the ever-changing needs of their clients. It is my hope that İŞBANK AG - Filiale Stuttgart will consider expanding its offerings in the near future, as I believe this would greatly enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

CreditPlus Bank AG - Filiale Stuttgart

Sophienstraße 41, 70178 Stuttgart, Germany

GPS : 48.77378, 9.17169

Users reviews of CreditPlus Bank AG - Filiale Stuttgart Stuttgart

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